Spending time with the bros...maybe

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Tuesday, great! I easily wake up and shower. Since it was Physical Education today, I decided to bring an extra Pirce The Veil jumper and wrap my wrists in bandages becausei know miss.proscof will want me to take the 'satanic' jumper off.

I quickly dressed into apair of white ripped jeans,a Marlyn Manson shirt and a red flannel shirt with long sleves which I kept undone. I walked out of my room and into the other to brush my teeth. I open the door and there stood Andy and a bent-over Juliet.  I screamed and ran downstairs where mom, Jinxx and Jake sat in the dining room.

"Honey! Are you okay?" my mom decided to scream and shake my shoulders. I shrugged her off and said "oh the usual, walking into the bathroom to see nature make Andy and Juliet show off their true love by shoving his dick in her ass!" I said as Andy and Juliet walked downstairs with Ashley.

"Hey what have I said about that type of language Jordan!" my mum scolded " your a lady, you dont use that kind of mens language."

I rolled my eyes, hugged everyone and grabbed my bag, ignoring the breakfast comments.

I decided to walk to school slowly since I left early. I didnt really want the guys to be here, they might notice something. All my life Andy was able to read my mind, to search my lost, broken eyes. He always commented on how I look or something but he was different. He acted more away from me and the family. I cheered up as I got a text from my older sister, Cassie. Cassie and Andy are like opposites. Cas is about pastels and blondes and Andy is, well, Andy. The text said " Coming in a few days! "

Derrik, Cassie's new about to be husband, but hes a fucking idiot and a drunk! I walk down the road to a bus stop. But insted of going to school I decided to go to town. I paid my fee and sat at the back. I looked older than my age, my mom always said I look about 20 even though im, well now I am 17. I tapped my foot impatiently when the bus stopped I ran for it.


I sat at my table in the food court, mindlessly drinking my bottle of water when I saw them, 5 men stood at the other end of the court.

"Shit!" I said, earning me looks as I ran to a cab. They dropped me off at school and I signed into the school book and ran to music. I say hello to my 4 friends, Jake, Finn and Cora. Cora has Black hair and a slim build but big boobs. Finn has black hair with a blue strip in his side-swept fringe. And finally Jake has black hair with one side saved and a fringe going over his right eye.


I have a band with them called Let's Kill Tonight and we are a rock band with a touch of metal added. Im the singer, Cora is the drummer, Jake is lead guitarist and Finn is our base. We are signed to Fearless Records.

They all hugged me and smiled at me, I guess to encourage me.

"So, how are your arms?" Cora whispered to me so only me and the guys could hear.

"I have stopped and they are fine just some scars no new ones!" I lied quite believable. They all nodded and set up a conversation about our meeting with fearless records, well second since we are already signed. I sit down at the keyboard and start to play a song that I found on YouTube called Baby Dont Cut by B-Mike. I rapped along and soon everyone was staring at me. I got off the stool and walked away from the keyboard.

"Well, if itsnt miss. slut?" Tiffany Garcia said, clutching Jake Bullter, her boyfriend, hand. Everyone laughed even though she was looking in a mirror. She had a white MINI skirt, a one direction shelf bra, white high heels, caked in make-up and fake tan.

"Are you going to speak to me? Or  are your freak ears to dumb" she said stupidly. I hold in a laugh at the ear thing but she sees me smirking.

"Are you fucking stupid? If I could kill you I would. Oh wait, you will kill yourself first" Tiffany cackled in my face as my insides hurt from the pain.

"what do you want me to say?" I whisper as slowly and quitely as I can.

"Are you trying to sass me. Just go slit your wrists in the girls bathroom" she shouts. I shake my head as tear well up my eyes .

"Look babe, they emo, slutbag is crying like the c*nt she is" Jake shouts. Speaking of Jake, I dont know wherd my friendz have gone to.

"Yeah, shes stupid. Maybe end it all, then you can stop cutting, starving yourself and, well, being the ugly scumbag piece of shit you are!" With that I storm out of the classroom and run home.

I unlock the door and run in. I scream and cry on the hallway floor, since no ones home. I went up to my bedroom and set out three bottles of pills, a sharpener blade, a knife, vodka and a lighter. I got up from the bathroom floor and went over to Andy's guest room. I took out his favourite batman shirt and put it on. I grabbed my mom's necklace and tied it around my neck and I finally got a bracelet from dad.

I put my favourite black, ripped jeans on, a White shirt which was very floaty and put a pair of flowery, pastal coloured Doc Martins for my sister. I then sat down at my desk. I wrote my note:


This is my offical goodbye. This is not your fault reader. I just cant go on. My lifes a mess and I want to go. I love you a lot and I will never forget you. Save a special place in your heart for me and never forget me.

I am bullied in school and online. I just wanna sleep forever.

Lots of love from Jordan Rosalie Biersack...

I started to cry and I taped it to my door on the outside. I went into my bathroom once and again and sat cross-legged on the floor. I cut with the blade and knife, making sure to go deeper than usual. I burnt a few times with the lighter. I came tk the first bottle of pills and easily downed them and took a swig of vodka. One more bittle later and a few more cuts and biurns, I nerd the door open and close from downstair when everything went black...

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