Cassie comes early

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<Cassie's P.O.V>

I shake a sleeping Derrik awake because we had finally landed in LA. We came early because of the astonishing news about Jordan and BVB had come early and I wanted to see them aswell. We easily go throuh passport checks and grab our luggage wuite quickly, even though the airport was packed. My tan high heels clicked agaist the tile floor and my pink playsut hugged my slight curves nicely. I put on my brown, round sunglasses and grabbed Derrik's hand. We walk out of the large building and grab a taxi to take us to the house where we dropped our bags.

We drive to the to the hospital that always gives me the creeps because of the needles and machines and the horrible nurses and food. A nurse easily sends us to a ward with about 4 beds in, 2 on each side with a ton of windows on the back wall. All the beds were empty except for 2, one was a girl with brown hair and looked about 18 and the other was a life less looking Jordan. I ran to the bed, pulling an annoyed Derrik. I hugged mom and dad and all the guys. I kissed Andy on the cheek and hugged him tightly. You could tell he had been crying a lot were mo was still silently sobbing, cuddling up to dad. Derik sat down on a nearby chair and pulled out his phone. I rolled my eyes and made my way to Jordan's bed side. I took her hand in mine and kissed her head gently.

"Hey baby, its me, Cassie" I whisper knowing she may not be able to hear. She stirs a bit but doesnt move fully. "Yes its me, I have missed you. You look as beautiful as ever" I continue when a phone dtarted ringing. I looked at Derrik as anger shot through me.

"Really babe, Jordan could be dying and you have you have to take an important call!" I yell "Who is it, Derrik? Who keeps callin you!?" I shout, venom coating my words. Everyone gasps at my harshness. Derrik has cheated before and hit me a few times.

"N-no one hunny" he tries to stay calm so I grabhis phone. He tries to grab it back but I had already seen the text messages. They were to my friend Gina. They were okay and friendly at the start but then they got heated to the point pictures were taken.

"You lying, cheating scumbag! How could you sext my friend. AGAIN!" I scream "Get out, we are done!" I say calmly, throwing the ring at him as he walks out. Since I was pretty close to Jake as a kid even though he didnt know Andy, I went and sat on his knee and cuddled into his chest. He was warm and smelt like cologne and bubblegum from the gum he was currently chewing.

Everyone got up to leave after a few hours and when they got out of the ward I stood over J's bed. I took her hand and said:

"Jordan, you are beautiful, dont let anyone bring you down. I love you and your friends and family do..." I cried and squeezed her hand when something wet dropped on my fingers and then another. I looked at the ceiling and then at the crying and fully awake Jordan.

I scream and hug her tightly and everyone rushes in to see her broken eyes staring, widely at everyone in the room and then at the machines attached to her...

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