To The Hospital

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<Andy's P.O.V>

I locked the car and came to stand next to mo, and dad. We went ou to have Lunch at some place. God, I missed those guys, but I miss my sister the most.

We walked into the door amd into the hallway, where I saw her Adventure Time horror version, I got her one christmas. I thought nothing of it and walked to my room where my clothes were thrown everywear and my favourite shirt was gone. I went back into the hallway and looked at the horrifing note taped to her door. I got into her room and frantically looked for her. I went up to the bathroom and realised it was locked.I shoulder barged it open and I gasped as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Mom dad, for fucks sake call and ambulance!"I scream. Mom rushes in and dad calls 911. I remove my shirt and tie it around her left wrist and one of my soaks on the other. I look at her torture weapons and looked at her covered wrist. I unwrapped the shirt wrist and read the bloody words:

Im sorry

Mom notices and crys into my chest as I wrap the wound up again. Soon some men and women are pulling me away and I move into her bedroom. I call the guys to meet me there and they knew I was urgent from my tone of voice. Mom and dad got into the ambulance, leaving me to get in my car. The tears ran down my face in a continuous river. My body was tense but my hands and shoulders were shaking vigerously and soon I saw the large building come into view.

I locked my car and ran in the hospital and to the front desk. I shouted her name to the nurse and she guestered for me to sit next to acrying mom and a expressionless dad. I sat down and hugged mom tightly until a doctor in a white coat and doctor shit called us over.

"Jordan is fine for now but she hasnt been eating and has refused to eat. We have also seen cuts on her arms, wrists, legs, ankles and stomach and has a lot of pills in her system along with many burns. Since she is a bit young for the phycatric ward, we shal out her on the childrens ward and keep her in for 6 weeks and if she rufes to eat during that time we will have to put a tube up her nose and make her eat that way" He said giving us a sypathic look. Mom had completely broken down and dad had a few tears slowly working their way down his face. I felt so sad and upset about how she will spend her life the way she has to. What about Cassie, what will she do?

"Can we visit her, please?" I ask shaking. The doctor simply nods and gives us a ward number. We walked in and saw her sleeping, lifeless.

Then the doctor walks in again and looked like he had just remembered something horrible.

"We had to put her in a medical coma because she lost a lot of blood and the pills really got to her system.  If you, sir, hadnt of had that. She would be in a worse condition..." He whispers at the end.


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