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Another school day, another eight wretched hours of trying to pay attention to your teacher but no matter what you do you can't stay focused at all.

Michael woke up exactly twenty minutes before school started, and that was anything but good. He quickly arose from his bed and was practically spazzing out in the shower, which took him a good three minutes. Record time, he thought to himself.

He changed, ran downstairs, then got the sandwich his mother had already set for him on the table because she didn't want to stay up and wait for Michael to wake up for breakfast, which was clearly not what someone would do if they were in their right mind. She didn't try waking him up either, because he wouldn't budge no matter how hard she tried. The boy slept like a freaking rock.

Once everything was set and ready, he sprinted out the door and hopped into Ashton's car, which was thankfully there (it was the only ride willing to drive him to school nine minutes before it started.)

"Hey guys," Michael greeted his friends. They all mumbled their hi's and hey's sleepily as they were trying to fully wake themselves up before they got to the point where they wouldn't get out of the car when they arrived at school.

"Why do I put up with driving you guys to school again?" Ashton questioned. He was the only one in the group that already graduated, but he was an idiot who thought that tadpoles were baby turtles, so it surprised all of his friends and made them wonder how he actually got through high school. He stopped giving a damn about studying when college came around, he never really wanted to go to college anyway.

"Because you're the only one with a car," Calum spoke up.

"Well why can't your parents take you then?"

"Because you have a car," Luke smirked.

Ashton mumbled something along the lines of 'you guys are lucky I'm your friend..' and stopped to drop the others off at the front of the school, with three minutes to spare for the rest to get to their classes.

They thanked Ashton for the ride and bolted off into the halls, barely making it in time. They all had first period together everyday, so every morning they would have a race to see who would get to the classroom first (and more importantly on time) and whoever won got to sit shotgun in Ashton's car the next day (not much of a prize, but it was an advantage.)

This time Michael came in first, Luke coming in close second, and Calum last. They took their usual seats, the three in the center of the classroom. Whenever they got into the classroom, their teacher would usually come in exactly twenty-seven seconds after. And he did.

The class greeted him oh-so merrily (note the sarcasm) and began to quiet down as they noticed Mr. Williams holding a piece of paper in his hands. And whenever Mr. Williams had a paper, that only meant work for them.

Michael was never really good at this class, which was writing, so it wasn't exactly his favorite. Michael actually liked writing, the only problem was he had trouble expressing himself through words. He wasn't sure if his vocabulary was small or if it was his brain in general.

"As you all know, the year is coming to an end," Mr. Williams officially started the class. "And since it's coming to an end, I've decided to give you a little gift and make your lives a little easier."

The class had no idea where this was going, and they were almost positive that they weren't going to like it.

"Your year-end project will be by pairs, not individual," the writing teacher cut the crap.

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