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For some reason, Alex had some genuine fun at a party with someone who wasn't even her friend. Sure, there was alcohol in her system and it helped her enjoy a bit, but still. She actually enjoyed herself and felt like a normal high school student, which she usually didn't feel. For at least three hours, she knew the feeling of enjoying life and feeling like she belonged with others.

Even on the way back home, walking with Michael, dripping-wet and attempting to dry up with stolen towels, she still found some amusement in the situation they were in, even though they looked like complete idiots who seemed to have lost their swimsuits and car keys at a water park.

"I am so glad that you are not going to pour muriatic acid all over my balls. For a while there I was worried you wouldn't enjoy because you're.. well, you," Michael shrugged and laughed it all off.

Alex sighed and let herself take a break from all the intoxicated laughter. "Yeah, that's gonna be a problem. I have no idea who I'm supposed to be, and I can see that you don't, either."

She had already thought about it several times. It was quite troubling, trying to figure out who she was, why she acted like she did, what made Alex, Alex. There was no surprise with Michael not knowing how he could exactly explain her, because she didn't have the ability to do so herself

"Well then," Michael put a hand on her shoulder. "I can see that we're having the same problem. I don't know who the hell I am either, you know."

Alex scoffed. "No way in hell you're having a problem with that, everyone knows who you are. You're Michael Clifford, the guy who always dyes his hair every two months, the guy who walks around with his friends picking up chicks to make themselves feel better and climb up the social ladder. You're Michael Clifford, the guy who learned how to play football from playing so much FIFA, you're that guy on the football team that's always almost late for the games but you always make up for it by scoring a s.hitload of goals. You're a guy who matters, quite the opposite of me."

"Is that really all you think of me?" Michael's voice began to evidently crack just like a boy going thorough puberty did. "I can't believe the girl I lik- am writing partners with thinks I am all that bullcrap. We are definitely gonna get failing grades, I have gotta work that out."

"Well then, right now I think you're, like, drunk. Seriously, you're talking all funny now." Alex deadpanned.

She wasn't quite sure if he was actually qualified to be called drunk. They only had a small amount of drinks, it was at least two to three beers, unless Michael had a ridiculously low alcohol tolerance, there was a really small chance that he was drunk at the moment. It was just that she could've sworn he was about to say 'the girl I like.' Alex had a really hard time wrapping the idea around her head. Besides, they had only met a few days ago, he couldn't possibly like her when all she did around him was act icy and mean, with the exception of that night.

"I'm not drunk, Alex. I'm just being straightforward with you, it kinda sucks that you only think of me like that when I'm supposed to sound interesting in our project, it also sucks that you don't think of yourself as someone who matters," Michael spoke frankly.

Alex fumbled with her words, she felt the ice inside of her creeping back out. "Look, I only think of you like that because I don't actually know you. We're not friends, we're only talking with each other because we have to or else we'll fail in writing class. That's just how it is."

Really, Alex? she thought to herself. You were actually having fun, you're messing it up again by being whoever the hell you are.

Michael seemed unaffected by the sudden shift in Alex's mood. "I actually really wanna figure you out, Alexandria Marie. All I really know at the moment is that you can change moods in the snap of a finger and you are such a mystery. You're a snowflake, and I can see now that you're the fog on moist windows as well. You're a cold bitc.h, but you are definitely a sight for sore eyes. You're also a pretty vague person, I have to get through a top layer of undefined crap before I can see you clearly."

The fact that Michael just called her out on being a cold bitc.h without being harsh shocked her, he wasn't saying it to make her feel bad. He was doing it to open her eyes, he wasn't attempting to get an apology out of Alex for being too honest. Then again, the two had some things to drink, and it was f.ucking cold so it was hard not to feel tense when they were only walking home dripping wet, two weeks into the month of November.

The two teens were so into their strange talk when they had reached Alex's dwelling. She felt bad that Michael had to walk back to his house afterwards while he was still wet and it was pretty damn cold, so she had the crazy idea of inviting him in.

"I guess this is goodnight?" Michael stopped at the front door.

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come in? It's pretty cold out and I think my brother has some clothes that can fit you as I can see that you're still not dry.." Alex asked awkwardly as she didn't know how to invite people into her house. Then again, it wasn't like he hadn't been in her house yet.

"Oh, yeah. Sure, if it's okay with your family and stuff.." Michael shrugged."

"My family won't mind, I swear. It's not like they're actually in there or whatever," Alex mumbled the last part. "Come on in, it's totally fine."

Alex and Michael stepped into the house, not speaking as the awkwardness was almost tangible. Alex wasn't so sure why they were being so awkward since they had been with each other the entire night, but she went along with it anyways and showed Michael her brother's room.

"You can grab whatever you want to wear in there, he probably won't ever notice anyway," Alex ushered Michael into her brother's room. "I'll be in my room if you need anything, but knock this time."

Michael nodded. "Got it."

Alex walked into her room and immediately went for her bed. All of a sudden, she started feeling the exhaustion she'd been holding in for the entire night. It was reasonable, they had walked the entire way to-and-from Jace's house, and she and Michael definitely did had the fun he had promised. Huh, Alex cringed. Fun is an overrated, overused word.

Realizing that her current attire wasn't nearly as comfortable to sleep in as her pajamas, Alex lazily got up, took off her soggy, wet clothes, and threw on the most comfortable pajamas she could find and her fluffy penguin slippers as well. Once she was all ready to just dive in bed and go to sleep, Michael just had to remind her of his existence yet again.

"Alex," Michael knocked this time. "Can I come in?"

Alex groaned. "Fine."

Michael stepped into her room, wearing her brother Zeke's clothing. He definitely had absolutely no idea what he had done to Alex, but the moment she laid eyes on him, stupid, silent tears were brought to her eyes. She had lent him clothes because she believed nothing bad would happen, turns out she was wrong.

Alex sat on her bed and began wiping her tears. "Goddam.n feelings," she muttered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Michael decided to sit beside her.

"I'm tired, Michael. Maybe some other time," she looked down onto her feet.

He sighed. "I'm gonna go home now, don't bum yourself out too much, okay? You're way prettier when you're happy."

Alex decided to ignore that last part of what he said. "Okay. Goodnight, Michael."

"Goodnight, Alex, " he planted a kiss on her cheek.



k whatever happy new year!!

i ship malex bYE

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