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Ever since Michael found it in himself to grow a pair and kiss Alex, every growing second with her felt more and more like a dream. They spent the rest of the week together, and he couldn't have been any happier.

Alex began going to lunch with him, Luke, and Calum (even though she refused to eat most of the time, defeating the purpose of going to lunch). She surprisingly got along real well with his friends, in spite of her being obviously anti-people, not anti-social. Michael honestly loved how much his relationship with Alex had progressed, even though there was absolutely nothing official going on between them.

It was lunchtime at the moment, and Alex wasn't with Michael or any of his friends yet. She texted Michael that she would come to lunch a bit later because she had decided she needed a new book to read, so she would be in the library to borrow one that she hadn't read yet. It was the perfect opportunity for Michael to prepare how he'd ask her out on a real date.

Michael sat down at the usual table where he'd have lunch with his friends and Alex, and began to think of ways to properly ask her out on a date. He knew that asking a girl out through text was not cool, so he immediately scratched that idea out in his head.

"You're overthinking this," Calum spoke up. "Don't try and make it more special than the actual date."

"Yeah, and it's not like she won't say yes," Luke added. "You two are always together. I'm jealous."

Calum whispered. "Muke af."

Michael ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "But I really like her, guys. I don't wanna mess this up by asking her out in the lamest way ever."

The boy's mind was racing. He was planning on taking her out to somewhere fun, he knew that Alex wasn't the most comfortable when it came to small, intimate things. And besides, he could already feel that the trip to where Michael was going to take her out was the most intimate he was probably going to get with her when they went out.

Michael was really trying to think of what Alex would like, but then he realized he barely knew anything about her. Sure, she's shared a bit of stories from her past, but that didn't define her. He wanted to know the little things, it sounded a bit stupid, but he really did want to get to know her. And all he knew was that she liked books. Lots and lots of books.

Calum took a bite of his meatball sub. "I know I'm not in the position to say this, but do you actually know what she likes?"

"Huh, I was just thinking about that," Michael sat upright. "All I really know is she really likes reading. If there are bookworms, she's the f.ucking queen."

"Jesus, Michael. If you like her so much, just go straight up to her face and ask her out on that damn date, a girl likes a guy with big balls," Luke's eyes widened at his statement. "Shi.t, that sounded so dirty. You know what I meant."

Replaying what Luke had said in his head, Michael realized that he shouldn't have been overthinking everything. He knew that it didn't matter how he asked her. It was the date with Alex that mattered, the time he'd be spending with her was far more important.

And besides, it was way too late to carry on with planning that out. Alex was already walking towards the table, which was Michael's cue to grow some balls and just ask her the f.uck out.

"Hey guys," Alex sat down in the seat Michael had pulled out for her. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Michael cleared his throat, attempting to get rid of the awkward atmosphere. "Um, it's noth-"

Calum cut him off before he could flake out. "What Mikey's trying to say is he has something to ask you."

"Well, what is it?" Alex looked at Michael. "Is everything alright?"

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