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a/n i srsly had chest pains writing this chapter. you may or may not feel similar pains just letting u know



Lunchtime. Anything could happen within that simple hour and a half.

Alex's thoughts had been flying all over the place. She couldn't focus on her classes, on any of her projects, and she really couldn't focus on herself. All she seemed to put her focus on that day was Michael this, Michael that, and blah blah blah Michael. Of all the things that could've happened to her, Alex began feeling that she had been taking a real liking to him, and it sucked.

No way, she thought. You can't like him, that's atrocious.

Since lunchtime wasn't anymore a time Alex chose to eat at, she decided to do what she always did before some red-headed boy walked into her life: read. It was only in that moment that she realized ever since she met Michael, she hadn't even bothered to read or barely touch any of the books she currently had in her possession. Even those books she'd borrowed from the library on the day Alex met him remained untouched.

The girl decided to go to her place of serenity and run away from reality. So Alex headed towards the oak tree, passing through the cafeteria to get there faster. As she walked by, she caught a glimpse of bright red hair, which had almost made her stop walking because everyone knew that could only be Michael. She also could've sworn he glanced at her and almost stood up from his seat.

Stop it, Alex thought. You're being delusional whilst trying to get away from him, g.oddamn it.

Once she got to the oak tree, Alex immediately sat down and flipped open her book in order to stay away from everything real. She loved reading because it gave her a chance to forget everything that was happening to her, all of the characters' problems became the only problems she had to worry about, and she loved the feeling of just drowning into her imagination as she wished she never had to come back.

So she read. She felt herself slipping away from the grasp of reality, slowly drowning in her imagination which was to take the form of the words she read. Everything real had disappeared and Alex found her happy place.

It was quite funny as she read how the two main characters ended up falling for each other. They acted as if they hated each other and nothing good would happen if they hung out together. It was beginning to remind Alex of her and Michael, and it really bothered her. She couldn't do anything without thinking of him, she couldn't even sleep without thinking of him before she would dream.

Alex attempted to ignore her itching desire to think of that annoying tomato-head. She tried to dive back into the fantasy of the story, but the plot had took another turn and she just had to stop reading. It suddenly reminded her about her pointless, terrible life. For some reason everything began to come back to her, and real life had somehow pulled her out and put her on chains.

"Stupid Michael," she muttered.

"Last time I checked, the main character of that story's named Simon," a voice popped out from behind.

Alex jumped at the sound of the voice, she could barely think straight and now he was there. "What the f.uck, Michael? How long have you been here? Creepy bastard."

"I got bored of Calum and Luke, they can get really annoying and really stupid," Michael plopped down beside her. "I saw you headed here a while back, I was gonna tap your back or just call your name but then you seemed to be really enjoying that book, it was kinda cute and I didn't want to disturb you."

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