Chapter Twenty-One: Play My Music

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                             you might have noticed that this title was a song from Camp Rock...which was a Disney fiim... so... yeah.

I'll think of something better another time xD (when it isn't past 5AM and I'm not half asleep)

QUESTION: Does anyone else sometimes find themselves freaking out over something that wasn't even there so much that they can't sleep anymore? I thought I saw something move from the corner of my eye - I looked there was nothing there - but due to the fact I'd been watching Supernatural earlier (the hookman episode *shiver*) I couldn't convince myself to turn out the lights and go to sleep :/

But good news - new update. I'm pretty sure I can sleep now anyway :P (Mayday Parade literally just sang 'maybe you could get some sleep tonight' through my headphones - talk about timing xD

ANYWAY on to the story - votes and comments are always appreciated but most importantly PLEASE ENJOY:

Chapter Twenty-One: Play My Music


“Idiot. Don’t go.”

Mackenzie’s reaction came as no surprise to me, but I still winced as he gave me his usual irritated glare. I knew he was going to be annoyed at me for making such a stupid promise.

I gave a small nervous laugh. “I kind of already promised Isaac that I would.” I told him with a sheepish grin. “Before I met you. Before you promised to help me fall out of love. And before you imposed that rule about not being left alone with him.” I carried on hoping it would help me.

I didn’t.

“If it helps, I technically won’t even be alone with him.” I pointed out. “Almost his whole family will be there.” I explained, about the family dinner I’d already promised Isaac that I would go with him to.

 Mackenzie’s glare deepened.

“Don’t go.” He repeated bluntly.

I flinched. “I already promised.” I repeated right back.

“So?” He asked flatly.

My posture stiffened slightly. “So, I’m not going back on my word.” I told him with almost equal flatness.

“You’re being stupid Taylor.” He said, his anger growing – which only served to add fuel to my own annoyance.

“How am I? Does keeping promises make me automatically stupid?” I asked hotly.

“Of course not. But the fact that you made such an idiotic promise in the first place does.” He replied with anger.

I lips flattened as I glared at him. I had tried to say ‘no’, but Mackenzie had no idea how hard that was for me when it came to Isaac.

“Yeah well, stupid me, I did. So it’s too late now.” I told him. I wasn’t going to go back on my promise. I may not have an abundance of good qualities – but I never broke my promises.

Mackenzie shook his head, looking annoyed.

“Do you enjoy setting yourself up for heartbreak?” He asked with irritation. “You do realise that at the end of this, no matter how much you do for him, he’s still going to love Rachel. Not you. Right?”

Well ouch. No need to tiptoe around my feelings or anything.

I glared at him. A few weeks ago that sentence alone would have knocked the argument out of me, but all it did now was annoy me further.

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