Chapter Fifteen: Her Glass Slipper

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So I just spent the night making a plan for this story! I mean I've always had a basic plan in my mind but now it's written down and I have some sort of order - which hopefully means I won't have huge gaps where I have no idea what to do next >.<

You guys are all unbelievably amazing for all the comments and votes you've been giving me - I'm pretty sure I'm in a state of shock! :P x

Anyway time for the actual chapter - as always votes and comments are appreciated, but most importantly PLEASE ENJOY::

Chapter Fifteen: Her Glass Slipper

“Okay tell me the truth – I’m a horrible friend aren’t I?” Rachel said as she sat in front of me, a completely serious look on her face.

I gave her a confused look. Not exactly what I thought she’d called me over to say to me. I was pretty sure she wanted to see me to tell me all about how her anniversary date with Isaac had gone.

“You’re not a terrible friend.” I told her. “Where is that even coming from?”

She gave me a flat look. “You don’t have to lie, Taylor. I know.”

Her serious tone and words had my heart leaping to the roof of my mouth. I swallowed back my panic enough to squeeze a few words out. “You know about what?” I asked her, struggling to keep my voice level.

She gave me a ‘what do you think’ look.

I stayed perfectly still waiting for her answer.

“Your mum.” She said, as if it should clear everything up rather than confuse the hell out of me.

“My mum?” I echoed, completely lost.

“You don’t have to pretend.” Rachel said. “Jake called me this morning to ask me-” She cut herself off with a small frown. “Well it doesn’t matter what he was asking – anyway he ended up mentioning what’s going on with your mother because he thought I already knew.”

My eyes widened slightly when I realised what she was talking about. “Oh that.” My chest lightened considerably, the tight ‘I can’t breathe’ feeling going away, leaving me with storm of relief and a slight twinge of disappointment.

She still had no idea about how I felt about Isaac.

“What do you mean ‘oh that’?” Rachel cried. “Your mother moved out. Not only that but I’ve been such a horrible friend I didn’t even notice, and I made you feel like you could tell my brother easier than you could tell me.” She finished.

I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat as she pinned me down with her wide eyes.

“The fact I didn’t tell you has nothing to do about whether or not you’re a good friend or not. My mother moving out…wasn’t that big of a deal. So it wasn’t much worth mentioning.”

“Wasn’t much worth mentioning?” Rachel parroted, sounding choked up on my behalf.

“I’m not lying, Rachel.” I told her.  “If I told you about every small row that my parents have you’d never hear the end of it.”

“Is it really a ‘small row’?” Rachel asked me disbelievingly.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes.” I assured her. “My mum will be back soon enough. They always find their way back to each other in the end.” It’d be sweet if their relationship weren’t so destructive.

Rachel didn’t look convinced. “Aren’t you upset?” She asked me.

“Not really. I’m just trying to enjoy the quiet in my house whilst it lasts.” I said. This time I was lying just a little. I was upset – but Rachel was the kind of person who would be more upset if she heard about it.

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