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The whole Russo clan sat around the dining table in Sean and Emilia's kitchen, the soft clattering of dishware and cutlery filled the room as they ate. There was the occasional chatter, and Larissa's cute baby blubbering as they ate.

"The meeting today went well," Vincent told them as he twirled another forkful of the delicious carbonara. "I want to get things done as soon as possible so I'll be announcing my trip as soon as Sebastian gets the details to me."

Spiraea balked beside Vincent, she refrained from looking at him with surprise although she really wanted to. He hadn't told her about having to take a trip- they hadn't even talked about what had happened in the meeting together yet. She tried to relax; he was looking to his father for confirmation, he had been in the meeting too. She supposed that he would talk it out with her later.

"I think it's a good idea," Sean nodded. "Though are you sure that you want to go?"

"Yes," Vincent instantly replied with conviction. "This wolf is an Alpha, and a rogue. The is no way that he would listen to a wolf without rank. Besides this is my duty."

"Have you decided on a date for this trip," Spiraea asked quietly. She didn't want to overstep her boundaries but she needed to be prepared too. She was slightly mad at him, even though she was trying not to be. She understood that so many things were happening at once but she felt a little bit blindsided.

"Not yet," Vincent told her an apologetic smile on his face. He could feel her emotions through their bond and wished that he had waited until he had spoken to her first before bringing it up with his father. "But I promise that as soon as I do, you'll be the first one to know."

His hand found her thigh below the table in a silent apology, seeking physical contact as both comfort and reassurance. Spiraea nodded turning back to the conversation- Ellis had started to speak his own exciting news with the family.

"Larissa learnt some new words! She says it when I have to drop her off for work, and when she wants a nap." He chuckled excitedly, turning to his daughter and tickling her gently. "Go on Rissa, tell them, your new favourite phrase."

"Daddy go bye bye!" She shrieked happily, slamming her little spoon against the table top. Seeing the sheer delight on everyone's faces at her outburst, she continued her excited, parroted cries. She was adorably cute with her chubby cheeks and food covered face, her raucous giggles practically contagious as everyone around her laughing at the sheer delight on her little face.

"Awww," Emilia cooed. She turned a playful smile over to Spiraea and Vincent, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I wonder when I'll get some more grandbabies to fuss over."

Spiraea bit her lip, both in discomfort and excitement. She wondered if Emilia and Sean would have a problem with them adopting Max, or what they would say when they found out that she may not ever be able to carry Vincents children. She already beat herself up enough over it. Spiraea knew in her heart that they were not horrible people, they would not see her any differently but it didn't make her any less afraid.

"Actually," Spiraea's hand found Vincent's in her lap, gripping it tightly as he spoke. His hand gave her a comforting squeeze in return, a smile stretching across his features to hide his own nerves. "Spiraea and I were talking about adopting one of the pups in the Nursery. His name is Max, and he has an amazing bond with us both... We both agreed it felt right, and when we have our Luna ceremony we'll also be announcing him as our son."

"Oh my," Emilia's eyes teared up. She looked between the couple before turning to her mate with wide eyes. Sean held her hand on top the table in comfort, as she finally let he grin break free. "That's wonderful! We can't wait to meet him!"

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