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Vincent's beast was in control, all rational thought had faded to a forgotten whisper. He wanted nothing more than to claw out Damiens eyes, to bring him pain and suffering like he had allowed to be inflicted upon his little mate. If he were a cartoon, steam would be pouring from his nose and ears from the heat of his rage. 

Though he never got to the Alpha in question that he was searching for. Instead, he had bumped into Adam who like the good friend and diplomatic man that he was calmed down Vincent before calling an emergency meeting. It was obvious to all males that they could no longer be on the same territory lest one attacked the other- Adam was not the type to risk such an open threat of war. 

The meeting was one taken under the cover of dark- something that neither mated male really wanted but all saw necessary to keep up the appearance of good faith. It was Adams wish that the meeting remained as calm as possible, which given the circumstances it was a miraculous feat that Vincent was able to follow. 

It lasted not much longer than 10 minutes, the entire time Vincent was envisioning in his head the brutal way he would've ended Damien if he had gotten the opportunity. 

"You're so lucky Adam was here. After the way you treated my mate I would've-" Vincent growled, his voice slowly rising in volume as he once again got worked up. 

"Both of you will leave to your own territories tomorrow," Adam cut him off, simultaneously concluding the meeting. "Damien you will leave at Dawn, Vincent a few hours after. I will not hear of any foul play en-route back to your territories."

"By the way, the human girl that hangs around with Spiraea will be accompanying me back to my territory along with my mate." Vincent made clear, a silent threat behind is eyes as if daring Damien to challenge. 

The man in question looked as if he wanted to argue, his jaw setting in a nasty scowl as he took in the younger Alpha's appearance. 

"I don't see why that would be a problem, we are trying to get the humans off your territory to give more space to your wolves. It'll be one human less to look after." Adam nodded with a thoughtful nod. 

The meeting was ended there. Vincent was more than ready to return to his mate, mostly angry at himself that he had left her in the first place, though it was a productive parting and so that lessened his plight.

He left first, more than eager to return to the girl a part of him felt like he should apologize for getting so angry and leaving so abruptly, but the larger part scoffed at the idea. He was an Alpha, backing down wasn't really in his nature.

Hopefully he hadn't frightened her, now that he had a growing suspicion of her maltreatment in Damiens pack, he would have to be careful around her- it'd be like walking on eggshells until she got used to him and their connection. 

When he returned to the room, Spiraea was sat on the floor a couple metres from the door on her knees. It was a position of submission, on her knees her chin pressed against the floor, her hands locked in a cross behind her back. She was remarkably bare, only clad in a soft, lavender baby-doll paired with matching tall socks.

Vincent had to force himself not to stare, he had no idea she even had clothes as such. Just looking at her made him want to have her senseless at his touch but he knew that was the last thing she needed.

She was not an object, as much as she seemed to think she was; submission was in her blood but this way beyond any instinct or personality, it was wrong. He cleared her throat, fixing himself as discretely as possible before thinking about how to deal with the situation.

Vincent was at a loss for words, he had no idea how to deal with the situation. He wasn't sure if he should move her, or even what to say to her- he had never seen anything like it before. He was torn between being surprised at her position on the floor, and controlling his beast that quite liked her playing into his dominance- though after considering exactly how she learnt to be that way, any enjoyment was short lived.

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