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Spiraea stood beside Vincent with a wide smile on her face, though in reality, it was more of a grimace. The man had one arm firmly wrapped around his mates waist whilst the other, held open the front door in which his entire family stood behind.

The party consisted of four people, all taller than the girl- the sight alone made her want to shrink away. She didn't, whether it was because Vincent was keeping her upright with his weight beside her, or because she didn't want them to sense her nervousness, the girl herself was unsure. Nonetheless she was determined to keep up the ruse.

"Ciao," Vincent greeted joyfully. "Come in!"

He stepped aside, Spiraea following his movements fluidly allowing his family room to step into their home. The first person that stepped through the door was a slender woman, taller than Spiraea but still relatively short. The girl guessed her to be perhaps 5'4. She was beautiful with dark olive skin and muddy green eyes that contrasted with her skin. She had sharp cheekbones, a straight nose, all framed by thick, long, black hair that fell in curls waves half-way down her back.

"Ciao, I'm Vincent's mother, Emilia. Its wonderful to meet you." Her lips were pulled into a bright, friendly smile took over her features as her eyes took in Spiraea. "You must be Vincent's anima gemella."

"Si senora, that's what he says." Spiraea blushed lightly, she looks to vincent with a shy smile before turning back to their guests. She was going to introduce herself when an imposing presence came behind the other woman- Emilia.

The woman in question barely took notice, softly chastising the girl. "None of that, just call me Emilia."

Spiraea's attention was behind her. The man was huge, almost as tall as Vincent. Spiraea sucked in a breath at his frightening dominance, she had the urge to bow her head as was beaten into her for most of her life. She was taught not to look up at powerful men, and this man was definitely a powerful man.

Vincent's hand on her hip flexed gently, rubbing her side soothingly. It was all she needed to remind her that this was not her past, this place was different and she had Vincent here to protect her.

She looked up the man, quite literally- he was 6'2- though still shorter than Vincent by a few inches. Where he was shorter than Vincent, he was wider; his shoulders so broad he had to inch sideways through the door frame. His years as Alpha had served his physique well, even at the age of 50 he still looked as healthy a young man; though Spiraea supposed that was also down to the fact that he was a werewolf.

"Sean Russo," He stuck out his had to the small girl. She sucked in a breath at the sight of his open palm, trying not to flinch when he reached forward. He was confused when she didn't immediately take his hand, instead she looked up to his son for approval. Only after he encouraged her with a small nod and a warm smile did she put her shaking palm into his for a firm handshake.

Vincent grit his teeth not looking forward to explaining Spiraea's behaviour later. Male wolves were protective, especially over family. His family would be livid, never mind Damien trying to start a war with his pack, his parents would probably single handedly start and finish the war once they found out.

Vincent would have been glad to be by their side in doing so, if it were up to him, he would be the one to kill Damien himself. He had thought of a few ways already. Unfortunately, inciting a war with no allies, and over a personal matter would be most innapropriate; he had to be rational. He would wait until the time came.

There would definitely be hell to pay. Sean Russo was a fiercer wolf than most, he got that from his father. In fact, he had inherited most of his his fathers traits- all except his tendency to throw around his mate and children. Growing up with that violence had made him an advocate against such abuse, any cases within his pack was punished most severely.

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