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"I know this might be hard for you, but I need you to be as honest as possible okay?"

The Doctor, Analise, made sure to be as gentle as possible while addressing the girl. She had never actually dealt with cases of abuse that were so severe before, so she wanted to be as thorough as possible.

Spiraea was uncomfortable, and she wished that Vincent was with her but she knew that he probably would not look at her the same way when he realised all the things she had gone through. When he realised she was a piece of trash.

The girl nodded, trying to block out the negative thoughts. She just had to focus for now, she would worry about Vincent later.

"And remember, we can stop at anytime." Analise smiled encouringly at the girl. "Okay, do you know when your last period was?"

Spiraea blushed, when Analise said her questions would be personal, she had realised they would be that personal.

Spiraea thought back, but her memory failed her. "Not for a couple months."

"Have you always had irregular periods?" Analise clicked away at her keyboard whilst she spoke.

"Yes. I didn't have my first period until I was 16. Marianne says that is... Como se dice..." She paused as she tried to find the right word.

"Uncommon?" Analise supplied for her, to which the girl nodded. "Well, it is slightly uncommon. Most girls start ovulating between the age of 10 and 15, but everyone is different."

The questions continued, and got even more personal. Analise went on to ask about her sexual history which brought back a lot of unwanted, graphic memories for Spiraea.

She could hardly hold in her tears as she recounted some of the brutal things she had to experience. Analise herself struggled to maintain her professionalism, her own eyes pricking with tears.

Her Luna was so young and yet had endured so much that she never should've had to. Part of her just wanted to wrap her arms around the girl and hug her. It was a good thing that she had found Vincent, because when he found out there was no doubt that he would destroy Daimen. And he would make him suffer.

Spiraea also underwent a physical exam, she was grateful that Analise was both patient and kind. Though when all was said and done, and the Doctor looked through her notes, she turned to Spiraea with a saddened look.


Vincent paced outside the small room. They were taking a long time.

He wanted to respect the girl's wishes, but he also wanted to be there for her. He had felt her intense sadness through thier bond on more than one occasion and it took everything within him not to break down the door to get to her.

Just as he was contemplating following through with his desire to burst into the room, Analise opened the door and ushered him in.

The sight before him broke his heart. She was crying, the sobs of a broken woman. His soulmate, his world, his.

She was sat exactly where he had left her only now her eyes were red rimmed and full of tears. She looked up at him with such a pained look that his heart clenched painfully.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry." She wept bitterly, the tears flowing down her cheeks in an uncontrollable stream. "I c-can never g-give you what you want."

Vincent wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, comfort her, tell her that everything would be okay but in her current state it probably wouldn't be best. In fact, he wasn't even sure that she would even let him touch her.

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