18-Last Chapter!

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T/W: Someone dies

Any resentment went out of Laf when he saw his younger sister lying there, looking so sick he could barely stand it.

"Marie..." he whispered.

"Gilbert." Her voice was so weak he could barely hear it.

"Who's this little guy?" Laf asked in French, leaning over the baby.

"Georges. He's yours."

"What? Marie?"

"Gil, I'm dying." She said it so calmly and sweetly. "I'm not going to live. Georges is your nephew but I hope you and your wonderful boyfriend will adopt him and care for him. I'm..." her voice was so weak. "I'm sorry for how I treated you...when we were children. I was afraid that if I was on your side...Papa would hurt me too. Thank..." her breath was shallow. "Thank you for coming, Gil. I'll tell Maman and Papa you said hello."

"Marie..." Laf was crying.

"And hey..." she nodded toward Hercules. "Keep him. He's a winner. Gonna be a great father. Don't know...don't know how I know. Just know."

"I'm going to be married," Laf whispered.

"Fiance then. Gonna be great. I..." she inhaled. "Love you, Gil."

Then all the life seemed to swirl out of her and collect into a giant orb, hanging in the air. She was gone.

Laf wiped away his last tears. He took Georges, who was crying with a passion.

"You know, I've always wanted a kid," he said, smiling a little.

4 Months Later

"Au revoir, mes amies!" Laf shouted, waving out the car window. Georges giggled in his arms.

"Bye, Laf! Bye, Herc!" Peggy shouted, hand in hand with Maria.

"Bye!" Eliza and Angelica echoed, each hand in hand with their boyfriends. They had eventually made up, but they both knew that things would never be the same again. Angelica never quite let things go.

"Happy honeymoon, a**holes," Thomas added. Angelica punched him in the shoulder.

"Say au revoir, Georges," Laf added, waving his adopted son's little hand. Peggy awed and Maria squeezed her hand with a smile.

Laurens and Alex weren't there. They were in South Carolina for Alex to meet John's dad and sisters.

Laf smiled out the window at everybody. It was hard to believe that just under a year ago he had been attaching a charging cord to the ceiling, planning his death.

He felt more alive than he had his whole life.


Thanks for reading this story! I hope you enjoyed. i will post the first chapter of my pre-written Marliza college au today.

Also I forgot to post about the Hamilton movie on 7/3 but I loved it SO SO MUCH OH MY GOD

Thanks for reading!

ED :)

Baguette and Tailor: A Mullette FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now