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The Hamilton movie.

I love it too much for my own good.

I've watched it twice.


I'll stop.

Within thirty minutes they were both in the car, driving to the airport. Herc was driving, as always. They held hands in between the seats, Laf's thumb rubbing circles into Hercules' palm.

Herc took a sudden turn.

"Mon amour, that isn't the way to the airport," Laf said.

"I know, but we've got time, and I want to show you my favorite place in the world," Hercules said.

After a few more minutes, they came to a grassy area by a pond. Hercules parked and they got out.

There was a stone in the middle of the pond. Herc helped Laf sit on it and then joined him.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, holding hands, and then Herc whispered, "See those rocks, by the shore?"


"See how the water comes and takes a few away?"

"Yes, like that dark gray one, with the orange thread," Laf said, pointing.

"You're that rock, Laf."

"But I'm not gone, mon amour."

"You're right. See how the dark gray rock came back? You came back, Laf, and I'm not going to let you get taken away again. I want to stay with you so I can make sure you don't get taken away. Will you let me?" Hercules showed Laf a ring.

Laf began to cry. "Oui. Of course."


Okay thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed

ED :)

Baguette and Tailor: A Mullette FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now