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"We're here!" Laf shouted as he and Herc burst through Angelica's apartment door.

Eliza was crying over on the couch, with her sisters on either side of her.

"You're, like, half an hour late," Laurens said. He had his arm around Alex.

"Yeah, sorry, we, uh, got a late start."

"Why do we all think you were making out in the car?" Peggy asked, smirking at them.

Neither Laf nor Herc answered.

"Never mind what they were doing in the car," Angelica said impatiently. "Eliza, what happened?"

Eliza tried to force out words, but it took a long time. Finally she gasped, "I was at the library-after work-checking out a med book-and James-" Laf flinched, but nobody seemed to notice. "Madison-comes over-and starts talking to me-we talk-and he's blushing-and he kisses me!" She broke down into sobs and couldn't speak anymore.

"I have to go kill him," Angelica said, standing up.

"Wait, mes amies. Eliza. You have to try to speak," Lafayette said.

Eliza tried to stop sobbing and she took deep breaths.

"Did you like it?" Laf asked her gently.

"What are you talking about? Of course she didn't like it!" Angelica exclaimed indignantly.

"Yes," Eliza whispered.

"What?" everybody else said in unison.

"Yes. I liked it," Eliza repeated.

"Are you crazy?" Alex said. "You liked it? You liked kissing Madison."

"Hold up. She can kiss whoever she wants to, as long as they're single," Hercules said.

"Herc is right. Eliza can date Madison if she wants. Come on you guys. You didn't act like this when Angelica started dating Jefferson," Laurens said.

Eliza looked thankful.

"Okay, so you can date Madison," Alex said.

"Oh, you're going over to the dark side," Angelica shot at him. "My sister doesn't date anyone without my permission."

"You're not dad."

Angelica froze for a long time. The apartment was like ice. Then she spoke. "Elizabeth Schuyler, I know you did not just say that."

"You're not Dad. You can't control our lives. That's not fair. I loved Dad, but ever since he died, there hasn't been anyone telling me to hurry up and get married already, to go to work, to stop dabbling in flowers. You can't do that to me, Angelica. To us."

Everybody sat there with wide eyes. The apartment had frozen again. Angelica sat like a stone statue on the couch. Eliza sat defiantly, the remains of tears still on her cheeks.

"Get out."

Peggy tried to intervene. "Come on, guys, let's not-"

"GET OUT!" Angelica screamed. "EVERYBODY!"

"Jesus Christ, Ange."

"Don't even start with me, Alexander Hamilton. Get out. All of you."

"With pleasure!" Eliza shouted in her face, storming away.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed

ED :)

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