T/W: Self harm, etc.

Hercules paused. He didn't know French, but he was pretty sure mon amour meant my love. He ignored it.

"Laf, how could you do that?"

Laf didn't answer. He was looking around the room. Finally he saw the chair and the charging cord still hanging from the ceiling. Then he was sobbing, sobbing so hard that he had to breathe, and the air flowed in and out of his lungs like a gift. He held on tight to Hercules like a child, and Hercules held on tight to him, and they were both crying.

Hercules moved Laf to the bed. The Frenchman's eyelashes held tears, but his sobs quieted.

Herc sat down in another chair and held his best friend's hand. "How could you do that? Why did you do that?"

"I can't tell you, mon ami," Laf said, his voice hoarse and ragged. "They'll come for you and I don't want you to get hurt."


"James Reynolds. Just him. He's...he found out...he found out I was pansexual...and then Maria told him she was lesbian. And...and he didn't have anyone to hurt anymore. So he turned on me."

Hercules was seething with rage. "Show me."


"Show me. Now."

Hesitantly, Laf showed Hercules more than fifteen bruises and scrapes and burns that came from James Reynolds' hands. Herc could barely stay in his chair. But then he remembered something.



"Show me your wrists."

"Mon ami, I-"

Hercules gave Laf a look that said Don't argue with me. Laf reluctantly pulled back his sleeves, revealing scabbed-over cuts that were clearly from a knife.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go kill James Reynolds."

"Mon ami!" Laf grabbed Hercules' hand. A curious burning spread through Herc's entire body. He realized this was how he felt...or used to feel...when Angelica took his hand.

No. He would not develop a crush on Lafayette. He wasn't even gay. He had a beautiful, smart, savage girlfriend that he would not cheat on by liking someone else.

"I...would you stay? Please?"

Hercules looked into Laf's pleading eyes.

Yes. He would be normal. He would stay. Like a friend. Just like a friend. And nothing would happen, and-


Stop being gay. Yes. He would stay. Like a friend. Everything would be fine and normal and nothing to worry about.

"Okay, Laf. I'll stay."

"Merci, mon amour."

Mon amour. Again. Laf was probably just disoriented. He meant to say mon ami.

Hercules got on the other side of the bed. Laf got under the covers and turned off the light. Gradually his breathing slowed, and watching Lafayette sleeping was so soothing that Hercules gradually drifted off to sleep himself.

Yayyyy I finally did a long chapter. Hope you liked

ED :)

Baguette and Tailor: A Mullette FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now