T/W: Gay slurs, abuse, self-harm

Hercules and Laf sat down. "So, tell me when this first started."

Laf took a breath. Hercules had only asked one question, but he wanted to tell everything already.

"I moved to America from France when I was thirteen years old. Thankfully, I already spoke English owing to my American mother who married a Frenchman. When I was thirteen, like I said before, my mother and I went on a ship across the Atlantic Ocean to New York. Almost immediately, I met Alexander Hamilton. (I know this is incorrect but please I'm just trying to make the story smooth). He became my first friend, along with you and John. I knew I was pansexual then, but I kept it a secret because I didn't want to get attacked. Especially after my mother died. Remember at the end of college I came out as pansexual? Maria wrote me a letter shortly afterwards saying I inspired her to tell her boyfriend she was lesbian and liked Peggy. From what I heard, Reynolds was not happy. Maria moved uptown because she knew he would go so far as to hurt her fatally if she stayed. Reynolds...turned on me.

"One day after work he cornered me and told me..." Laf swallowed. "He told me I was a faggot and worthless. Then he stabbed a cigarette into my arm.

"It kept going. Some days he'd bring a knife. Other days a cigarette. Mostly he brought his fists. And...he said if I told anyone...he'd hurt Alex and John and you. And I knew I couldn't do anything. Finally I thought, why try to keep saving myself. Might as well earn what Reynolds is giving me. So I cut my wrists. The more I hurt myself, the less he hurt me. Or so I thought.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I...I was going to miss you and Alex and John...but I was weak and I didn't want to get hurt anymore. Even James Reynolds wouldn't try to hurt a dead body. So...I..."

Hercules caught Lafayette up in a hug. They were both crying. Laf held on tight and sobbed, and the Irishman wrapped his arms around the Frenchman and held him.

Suddenly Herc's brain told him to do something crazy. Something that he would probably regret later but screw it, he was going to do it anyway.

He bent down and kissed Laf.

For about 0.06 seconds Laf was too shocked to answer, then he easily returned the kiss. 1.94 seconds later they both pulled away at the same time.

Laf thought of something to say first. "Best therapy I ever had." Then he pulled Hercules into another kiss, sweeter than the first one.

You're welcome

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed

ED :)

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