Chapter 15

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Okay so I decided I will finish they story. Thank you to everyone who commented and voted. I love you guys. I am, however, going to make this story shorter than it was suppose to be. Hope you enjoy.

Theo's POV.

"Kimmy!" I scream running into her dorm room.

"What?" She says while eating some ice cream.

"Kevin just got bailed out of jail."

"What?" She says worried and confused.

"Yeah. He got released this morning." I say hugging her. " Don't worry. He's not allowed on campus. I'll protect you."

"But you're leaving tomorrow." She sniffles.

"Don't worry. I got you, Kim." Nikki says appearing from the doorway.

"Thanks Nik, but Kevin is really strong. I don't think you can take him."

"O really," she raises her eyebrows, "is that a challenge?"

"It's true. He's like 5 times your size." Kimmy says.

"Theo come at me." Nikki says to me.

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me. Come at me." She stares me down.

"Okay, but if I hurt you it's not my fault."


I charge at her, but she steps to the side and trips me. I fall to the ground, but before Nikki could do anything I hop back up. Our grunts fill the air as I punch, but Nikki keeps deflecting each hit. I go to grab her hand. Before I could get Nikki's hand she grabs my hand, and does what I was going to do to her. She pulls my hand behind my back. She pins me up agains the wall and I'm trapped.

"Say uncle." Nikki says while twisted my arm more.

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!" Nikki releases me. "Gosh, Nikki, where'd you learned those moves?"

"I've been taking a self defense class." She smiles.

"No way, Nikki! You beat up my boyfriend!" Kimmy says while high fiving Nikki. "Maybe I should take that class too."

"You should. It's-"

I interrupt Nikki. "Wait, wait, wait. Nikki did NOT beat me up. I let her win."

"Okay sure, Theo, whatever you say." Nikki says in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey, Missy, I don't like your tone." I say while pointing at Nikki's face. She bites me. "Hey! that's just RUDE!" I say like a child. "It's not nice to bite people."

"It my not be nice, but sure as hell funny." Kimmy says while dying laughing.

"How can you take her side?" I say to Kimmy while acting hurt.

"Hey, sisters before misters." They say at the same time.

"Okay, okay fine." I was going to say hoes before bros, but I don't wanna get beat up again... If I didn't let Nikki win... Don't judge me!

"I'm hungry! Can we go get food? Being extremely hot is tiring." Nikki pouts.

"Pshhh. Nikki hot. No way." I mumble

"What was that?" Nikki says to me while grabbing my shirt.

"Nothing." I wimp out.

"Come one you two. Lets go get some Chinese." Kimmy says while grabbing her purse. "Come on, Theo." She says to me.

--------(Time Lapse)----------

"I had a really fun time with you."

"Me too, Theo-" Kimmy gets interrupted by Nikki.

"Aww! I had a fun time with YOU, Theo." Nikki says while pinching my cheeks.

"Nikki, we are trying to have a cute, romantic moment. Now get out of here before you start seeing our PDA!" Kimmy warns her with that unusual punishment.

"Ewwie! I don't want to see you guys doing the mushy mushy!" With that Nikki leaves.

"Now as I was saying. I wish you didn't have to go." Kimmy continues.

"I know. Me too, but summer break is almost here. Then we can see each other everyday."

"I love you, Theodore." She smiles.

"I love you more, Katharine." I smirk.

"OMG! Who told you my real name?"

"You did."

"What? No I didn't."

"Yeah you did. Just now. I was just being silly. I had no idea that was your real name. HA Katharine."

"O shut up Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis, and kiss me already."

I give her a heated kiss. "I'm going to miss your soft lips."

"And I'm going to miss wearing your clothes and having you bring me food."

"How rude!" I give her another quick kiss. "I gotta go. I love you!"

"Love you too. Bye, babe!"

And with that I'm off.

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤I'm so glad I decided to continue this story. I can't thank you guys enough. More updates should be coming soon. LOVE YOU!

QOTD: Did you know Theo is going to be in 3 movies in 2015? I forget the names of one of them, but obviously one is "Insurgent". The other one is "London Field" (the picture is the poster. You can see Theo on the left). In the one where I forgot the name I believe he will be a Catholic priest, which is weird because I'm Catholic.

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