Chapter 31

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Daniel POV:

He was relieved when he heard the school bell ring signaling time for lunch, he needed to talk to Amy, he didn't like the way she had been looking since morning.

He saw her walking out of the class so he quickly stood up and was about going to meet her when Lisa blocked his path, so he stopped and waited for whatever she had to say.

"I heard about your mum from Mr Isaac, how are you doing" Lisa said looking into his eyes with eyes that were clouded with concern.

"Am fine, thanks Lisa" he said smiling at her.

She smiled back. "If you ever need me, I will be here for you"

"I know" he said and touched her arm gently.

She exhaled, as that mere gesture brought tears to her eyes. "She is nice, she is wonderful for you"

"Lisa look, am sorry_"

"Daniel!" Eric one of his buddies shouted as he raced into the class.

"Yeah, what's the problem" he said frowning as he stared at the panting Eric.

"You gat to see this bro, your girl. Come with me" Eric said.

"Amy? what's wrong with her?" Daniel asked as his frown deepened.

"Let's just go dude, now!" Eric said and raced out, with Daniel following and Lisa behind him.

He heard noise coming from the locker section and quickened his pace, it was crowded and he wondered what was up.

People started whispering in hush tone when he came, he shoved students blocking him and slowly made his way to Amy's locker but what he saw halted him.

Amy was leaning on her locker, but she wasn't alone, she was in his brother's arms kissing him passionately. She could see how stiff she was but she still kissed back not pulling away.

Some students were taking pictures while others just stared at him murmuring to themselves.

He raked his hair not knowing what to do as he felt tears in his eyes.


He has never cried for anyone in his life apart from when his mother passed away.

He stormed towards them and shoved David away from her, then he grabbed Amy's small shoulders looking into her eyes.

"Why?"he said with tears in his eyes.

She leveled her gaze and tried to pull away from his grasp but he held her tight.

"Why are you doing this Amy, what has gotten into you lately. What has he done to you" he said pointing at his brother.

David stood up dusting his body. "She had realize that you are just using her too"he said smiling victoriously.

"I wasn't talking to you" Daniel said through his teeth and turn his attention back to her.

"Talk to me honey, we can sort it out together as a team remember. I love you baby, I can say it a hundred time, I love you, I love you, I love you honey and yunno it too" he said cupping her face.

She exhaled slowly and looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"She doesn't love you and we all know you don't love her, stop lying to her" David said trying to pull him away.

"If you dare touch me again I swear I will strangle you to death" Daniel growled. "C'mon Amy, let's talk about this" he said as he held her hands to lead her away.

She pulled her hands away and slowly shook her head. "Am sorry but...I don't love you back, I lied, am sick and tired of this relationship. Please leave me alone and pretend like I don't exist anymore cause that's what am going to do"she said with tears in her eyes unable to look at him.

David grinned widely and held her waist. "Let's go honey" he said, she nodded then they brushed pass him, hand in hand.

He just stared watching Amy walking away with brother and his heart.

Amy POV:

Amy sat opposite David forking her eggs with no interest of eating it. She felt like stabbing his face with the fork she held but held herself.

She hated him with everything in her and nothing could change that fact.

She couldn't believe what she was doing to Daniel, she was hurting him and she knew it. She saw it in his eyes whenever she passed him with David by her side.

She could still remember the pain in his eyes when he had dropped by her place pleading with her to tell him what was going on. She had almost given in, almost but David warning had  surfaced again, so she had told him to stay away from her life.

He had looked shocked and pained but she just banged the door at his face and cried out her eyes through out the night.

Even Cher had stopped talking to her, she had told her that she was a selfish heartless bitch and couldn't imagine anything that Daniel did to her that warranted a public disgrace like the one that she had made Daniel pass through.

She had also warned her that Daniel will leave her for good and that she deserves it.

Daniel had quit pleading with her, instead he now spends his time with his former girls. He was slowly going going back to his old ways and was getting more dangerous.

She had heard from Phoebe when she had come to taunt her  that Daniel now spends most of his time in hotels and clubs all thanks to her.

Amy had chosen not to believe it but when she saw how the love of her life now behaves, she had known it was true.

She had made him go back to his old ways and was so sorry, but she couldn't do anything about it.

She wanted to keep him safe even if it rips her heart piece by piece.

"Amy, you haven't even touched your food" David said looking at her.

She exhaled and looked up at him from her food. He smiled at her with warning in his eyes, then she slowly looked from one of his boys to the other and understood.

"Am not hungry, it seems like I have lost my appetite"she said smiling back as she stood up.

David clicked his tongue. "Now, now, now honey, what do you think the lunch lady will say"he said still smiling.

She felt like punching his fake perfect clown face." Maybe you should tell her to fuck herself "she said angrily through her teeth glaring at him, then she turned to go.

"Amy, don't you dare walk out of me" he warned.

She chuckled and turned to face him. "And why shouldn't I" she said cocking an eyebrow at him as she dared him to reply.

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