Chapter 14

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"Are you okay"the person asked stretching out his hand to her.

"Am fine" she said taking the hand, then she was pulled up by a cute looking blue-eyed boy. He scooped her tray up and dropped it together with her rumpled paper cup on the nearby counter.

Cherry also bent to pick her fork and other things that fell with her.

"Oh no, your shirt is all ruined because of me"Amy said looking at the stain her leftover orange drink did on his shirt.

"Its fine really,at least I get to talk to the girl I've been crushing on since grade one" he said smiling boyishly showing off his white teeth.

"Oh really, am Amy, Amy Chesterfield"

"Taylor McDonald"he said still smiling.

"Ehmm, I need to get you cleaned you can't go around looking like that" she said trying to move. She wobbled a little and was caught by him.

She smiled, appreciating his kindness.

"You don't look fine to me"he said still holding her arm.

"I will manage, I just feel a little bit dizzy but I will visit the clinic before the night class"she said and slowly pulled her arm away from his hold.

He nodded.

"What grade are you in?"she said.

"Really!!  don't you know me, we are the same grade"he exclaimed.

"I just got transferred yunno, wow I didn't_"

"Amy, oh my God are you alright?         do your head hurt"Cherry said interrupting their conversation as she came back from picking her things.

"A little. Cherry, Taylor, Taylor my best friend Cherry"Amy introduced.

"I know him, thanks for the save Taylor"Cherry said looking at the smiling Taylor.

"Its my pleasure" he said staring at Amy.

"Well, I will go get a basin to clean you up. Cher keep him company and thanks again Taylor, I owe you one"she said smiling at him.

"Anytime"he said.

She nodded and left them to get a basin. She slowly passed Daniel unable to look at him. She wasn't even sure he had noticed when she fell cause he had been to busy fulfilling his desire with Phoebe.

Daniel POV:

"Damn!! look at how that bitch pretended to fall to get the attention of that bluish eye dude"David said pointing the direction Amy was. His crew laughed watching the whole incident.

Daniel stared at Amy, seeing how embarrassed she had been when she fell his gut tightened when his brother and his crew laughed and mocked her.

He was fed up with their loud chattering and was about to stand when he saw how Taylor held her waist.

That bastard wanted to take advantage of the situation, but Amy didn't seem to care instead she leaned on him for support.

Maybe what Dave said had been true, she wanted Taylor's attention, that was why she had been ignoring him since morning, she had seen a new catch.

Well, why did he even care, it was her damn business. He will do well to mind his business, she was nothing but an ordinary girl to him.

If not for the fact that she was really curvy, with beautiful eyes, plump lips and God that hair that shone like crystal, he would have said that she wasn't even attractive at all.

Who was he kidding, Amy was really beautiful even Taylor had seen it. He was sure David too saw it but he was too busy pretending to hate her.

He had seen the anger in David's eyes when Taylor had held her. Although other people hadn't notice it, he has. David was his brother and from what he saw, he could swear that David was falling for her.

But that was all that would ever happen, he will never let David have her cause if she didn't return David's feelings, she will be in a great danger because anything David wanted he made sure he got without minding who gets hurt.

He watched as Amy smiled at Taylor, then she slowly moved to were he sat and walk pass them without looking up. She didn't even spare him a glance, he felt his blood boiling.

He couldn't think of anything he did to her that made her so cold towards him. When he had dropped her off that night, he had told her that thing will get interesting and he had really meant it. So why was she acting this way or had she seen what he had done with Phoebe.

Oh, maybe that was it, she thought he wanted to use her too. No he will never do that to her, he didn't even want to date her cause he knew he will hurt her, he wasn't a loyal partner he knew it.

"What are you thinking of bro, don't tell me is Amy"David said grinning at him.

Daniel just stared at his bro, he felt like hitting him, but why?.

Cause he was saying the truth, why was he even thinking of her.
"Am done here" he said rising up, then he walked away.

"Are you staying for the night class"David called out as he walked.

"Do I have a choice" he said from his shoulder. He heard David saying something about eating your cake and having it, but he didn't pay any heed to it.

He was surprised to see the usually crowded hallway empty, then he immediately remembered the orientation speech going on in the school hall. Final graders like him and the rest weren't invited, so said Mr Isaac.

He was heading to the rooftop when he heard someone call his name as he walked pass the principal's office.

He turned to see the person he dreaded with his life that turned out to be his former ex before Lisa running towards him.

His heart sank.

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