Chapter 12

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Amy POV:

"As it came to my notice that you all aren't really doing well concerning your upcoming examination, I have decided that from now on, there will be an ongoing night class starting from today"Mr Isaac the principal said looking down at the disappointed students from up the podium he stood.

"Am not in" David said folding his hands as he looked away.

"And why is that"Mr Issac said frowning down at the rebellious David.

"What, am not just interested"David said.

"Well, unfortunately, I didn't ask for any volunteers, it is compulsory and that is final"Mr Issac said with a daring look on his face.

Everyone started murmuring.

"Am I clear David"Mr Issac added looking at David.

David stared challengingly.

"Yeah, we're cool dude"he finally said cocking a brow at the principal.

"And where the hell is your brother"the principal said again.

"Why should I, am outta here"he said, then he looked around.

"Let's go guys...wait a minute"he said narrowing his eyes."Amy" he continued and walked towards her.

She glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that bitch, I think your nerve is getting bigger cause my bro is hitting on you right"he said smiling.

The murmur continued.

Amy smiled and cocked an eyebrow, meeting his gaze.

"Daniel isn't growing my nerve you are, to tell you the truth you are so parasitic, always clinging to me like a bug"she said. She heard student gasped but she stood her ground.

"How dare you" David said storming towards her.

"Don't you dare touch me"she said. He immediately halted and laughed wickedly.

"And what will you do, slut"he said still smiling as if he won a jackpot, then he raised a hand to hit her.

"David leave the girl alone right now, she is way stronger than you"Mr Issac who have been watching the whole incident with unconcealed amazement in his eyes.

"Mr Isaac with all due respect I think you should keep shut for a second"David said and turned back to face her.

The principal eyebrows rose. "Really, you have forgotten who I am, David come with me this moment"Mr Issac barked angrily.

David scowled at Mr Issac for a while and slowly moved, following the principal as he left.

He slowly turned back to look squarely into her eyes."Amy, see you soon"he said with a smirk on his face, then he walked away to the principal's office with his crew behind him.

Amy exhaled slowly as her leg shook, she had to think and act fast before she come across David again.

Daniel POV:

He stood up as the bell rang, signaling time for lunch. He had been awake throughout the night thinking of a way to tell Lisa that he was done with her cause damn the girl was too soft at heart.

He bet she would scream, cry and call him names but that will be all, she would be the one to lose by ruining her mascara, he will just walk away feeling as good as new, he thought smiling.

"Hey Dan"David called from behind him.

He turned. "Yeah"he said as he turned to look at him brother. He looked so rugged and rough this morning.

"Mind if we have lunch together like old times"David said with hope in his eyes.

Daniel's heart lurched, he didn't want to disappoint him and also didn't want to have lunch with him. "Sure, I will come join you. I need to talk to Lisa" he said.

"You mean you wanna break up with her, Umm" David said grinning.

His brother could tell what he was thinking from his expression sometimes. "No...I mean. Just get the hell out of here"Daniel said.

David chuckled.

"But yunno bro, Lisa is really a good catch, you don't know what you are going to lose"David added, then he left with his crew.

Yeah, Lisa was really a good catch. Dating a teen Vogue model was really catchy but he was done with her. He was no longer feeling the chemistry between them any more.

He turned to see what Amy was up to. She was too busy packing her stuffs to notice him watching her. Why does it feel as if she was ignoring him?.

He moved to meet her when Lisa entered the classroom.

"Daniel"Lisa called out when she saw him, he stopped and turned to his soon to be ex. Slowly she walked towards him, swaying her hips seductively with her face pampered with different brands of make-up.

Amy looked up from what she was doing when she heard his name but got back to her work almost immediately.

She really was a big snub when she wanted to be.

"Baby aren't you happy to see me, am so sorry I couldn't make it, my schedule was_"

" Lisa we need to talk"he said cutting her short.

"About what, I said really sorry honey, please" she said and touched his face.

He looked around and moved closer to her. "It isn't about last night, can we just talk in private, like the physics lab umm"he said holding her hands in his, looking into her blue eyes.

"Okay sure, if you say so then let's go" she said smiling lovingly at him.

He smiled back and grabbed his bag, then he lead her out of the class to the laboratory.

She really didn't have an idea,  did she?. He was really sorry about the heartbreak she will receive, he knew she was really in love with him but this relationship wasn't heading anywhere.

He was fed up with the sex and excuses she was always giving. He needed to end it and now was the right time.

"Are you alright"Lisa said softly looking up at him, he just stared at her powdered face unseeingly and smiled.

"Come on"he said pulling her towards the lab.

She followed eagerly, unaware of what she was in for.

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