Chapter 14: Acceptance

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I sat on my bed as I looked out my window. It was pouring hard outside. The sound of the rain against my roof was music to my ears as I loved the rainy season so much. It was 9 am in the morning and it was very cold. This was a good day to cuddle up, too bad Eli isn't here.

I went and got myself breakfast before watching the weather forecast in the living room. I sat beside my mom who was busy knitting another sweater, probably for me to wear. "Mom, where's dad?" she still kept knitting as she spoke to me "He had his night shift. He won't be home until the afternoon." I frowned. "Oh, I've been wanting to tell you guys something but nevermind." Mom placed her half knitted sweater aside as she removed her glasses. The tv was now switched off and she faced me.

"What is it? You can tell your father later." My mom seemed to be very interested with what I'm about to say, I'm feeling nervous right now. "You know, we never get too much time talking with each other because your father and I are occupied with work. I'm ready to listen to you, dear." Mom stroked my hair gently. It was true that we rarely get some family time so I guess I'll tell her. "Mom.." she looked at me with her eyes that resembled mine. "Go on" I let out a very deep sigh.

I hesitated for a moment but I've been waiting for a long time to finally tell them this secret of mine "You see.." I gripped the blanket wrapped around my legs "I've been.. dating this wonderful girl for three months and a half right now. I really like her because she's done some things to an awful extent to make me fall for her. Remember that one time where I was nearly harassed by some man that broke in the house? She was the one who saved me from that creep. Without her who knows what could've happened to me that night?" I paused for a moment "Her family treats me well and they welcome me as another one of their family members. She brings out the best in me, all those sides of me I never knew I had? I was able to discover them because of her. She's helping me grow more into a person that you guys would want me to be--- what I want myself to be. Yes, we encountered some problems but we fix them immediately before it gets out of hand. She makes me happy every single day of my life and I don't want to lose her." I turned away from my mom and I rested my back on the couch while I looked at the ceiling "Mom, I'm telling you this because I know you would never judge me and you would understand me. I finally have the courage to tell you this after a long time. I was afraid you would not accept me for this decision I've made. This is the only time I've made a selfish choice, I wanted this for myself, for my own happiness."

"To be honest, I've been raised in this family and I always do my best to live up to your expectations. Our family traditions? I carried those on. My academic standing? I worked hard for that. Don't get me wrong, mom. Your expectations doesn't make me think of you guys any less than my parents. I'm grateful to have a loving mother and father that provides me with all of my needs and supports me with my life goals, not to mention you guys raised me into this fine lady that I am today." I chuckled "This is my first time opening up to you in a very long while and I hope you truly understand me." I sighed. This was a very unfamiliar feeling, I felt like crying in front of my mom. It's true that I've been very happy with Eli around but something felt missing inside of me and I didn't know what I could do to fill that void.

"Oh sweetie, come here" mom cooed. She pulled me into a very warm hug that I haven't felt in a very long time. I tried my best not to cry but I failed to. It's my mom who's hugging me right here. "I'm very sorry that you had to go all through that pressure. We just want the best for you, we know that you have so much potential you have yet to release!" she rubbed my back tenderly as her voice softened. "About this girl that you're together with.. who is she? You said a lot of stuff but you didn't even mention her name" she chuckled lightly. It was a sign of a positive reaction from my mom so I'll grab this chance to brag about her

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