Chapter 9: Her Words of Wisdom

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[Hey!! If you haven't seen yet the rewritten version of the Prologue, go check it out!! The timeline and setting of the story was explained there to help you guys understand it more, thanks!!]


A week had passed since the anniversary party and they were all busy, their leisure time was over since midterms were nearing. The 9 of them would often be grouped the same they were back in junior high. Sometimes they would bump into each other in the campus despite their different departments, casually greeting one another before they head off to wherever they're bound to go.

Umi's phone would sometimes beep within classes or breaks, constantly receiving text messages from either Kotori or Eli, both asking her to join them after classes. Torn between her two friends, she decided to reject their offers, she had their attention towards her but she didn't let it get to her head.


Their Biology professor was currently teaching them key points to remember for their midterms which are right around the corner. Umi was focused jotting down notes since she didn't want to get low grades and maintain a high GPA which she consistently has.

that is, until her phone accidentally rang in class.

"Now who dared to interrupt?" the professor slowly turned his head to the class, he was one of the crankiest teachers in the university. The students searched for the source of the noise until their eyes landed on a student who kept on writing on her notebook, unfazed.

"Ahem!" the professor hit the teacher's desk with his pointer stick causing the whole class to flinch in surprise, eventually catching Umi's attention "Is there something you would like to share with us, Ms. Sonoda?" he asked irritatedly, pinching the bridge of his nose

Flustered, she looked around and worded 'what happened?' to her seat mate. She pointed to Umi's phone that kept buzzing like crazy, text messages popping out on the screen one after another "My apologies!" she blurted out, muting her phone.

"We still have 20 minutes left on the clock, it is still MY time to teach. So if you are not interested in passing the upcoming test, you most certainly can leave now." knowing that she really might get expelled from class, she stood up and apologized again to her professor and to the whole class. "I am very sorry for my careless actions, I assure you that this will not happen again. My mind is set to pass the mid terms, and I am fully focused in class setting aside my cellphone interrupting. Please excuse my carelessness." she bowed, hoping to get a response from her professor.

"Very well, let us not further waste any more time." Umi sighed in relief, about to return to her seat. But before she could sit down, the teacher added one last thing "I'm looking forward to you acing the exam, Ms. Sonoda. Unless, you cannot take responsibility for your actions, consider this as a challenge for you." the professor turned his back against the students and returned to write on the blackboard, full of diagrams. The girl felt irritated and she can't wait for Biology to end to see what had put her in trouble.


Umi was one of the first people to exit the classroom filled with stressed out pupils. It was their vacant time and she sat on the very top of the bleachers, alone, distracted with the students playing soccer. "Yo" a girl sat beside her.

"Maki-chan, is it your vacant too?" she asked the red-head who was playing with her locks, legs crossed and her back leaned on the wall "Nope, it's P.E., I wanted to be early so I can rest for at least a bit while waiting for the others."

Umi nodded and they chatted for a few minutes, until her phone was buzzing again inside her pocket. She grabbed it, the phone still buzzing, she opened it and to her surprise it read 30 messages from Eli-chan and 8 missed calls from Kotori

"Wow, that's a lot" Maki chuckled seeing her friend's phone flooded with notifications "must be nice having them flood you messages" she let out a small laugh once again turning to the other side to see if her classmates have arrived "Ugh, if you only knew" Umi rolled her eyes, letting out a small grunt, remembering what happened in Biology class 15 minutes ago "Oh? Why is that?" Umi didn't hesitate to show her irked face to the younger, eyebrows still twitching

"My phone kept on ringing and buzzing in class, everyone noticed it but I didn't seem to because I was busy making notes." Umi scrolled through her phone screen to see the girls' messages that asked if it was already her break or if she would like to be with them over the weekend and many more. "It turns out it's just Eli and Kotori asking me to hang out with them when they could just literally ask me after a while. They didn't have to blow my notifications up and get me into trouble!" she let out a sigh of disbelief, Maki shuffling over to read the messages she received.

"Say, Umi?" Maki nudged her slightly "I get it that we all love each other and all, but don't you think they're sending hearts too often?" she pointed out to numerous heart emojis flashed on the screen, making the other flustered once more "Maybe it's their way of showing" she muttered out unsurely, whilst scratching her head "Oh god, you really are clueless when it comes to these things?" Maki chuckled while clapping her hands, making the other girl confused

" you mean..?" Umi rested her elbows on her knees, cupping her face, trying to figure out what Maki meant "I mean, it's plain obvious! They're showing you their motive, they like you, Umi!" Umi's eyes widened, but she didn't seem too shocked.

"I guess you could say that." she turned to Maki who plugged in one of her earphones to her right ear "If you like someone, do you just go straight and pursue them?" she asked her friend who's deep in thought

"Well, there are people who are brave enough to confess their true feelings to the one they like despite the remaining fact that they could be either accepted or rejected." Umi pondered in thought with the answer she was given "There are also people who like to show their feelings through their actions. They give stuff, compliment the person, or it basically shows in their body language." she felt like she was taking a lesson in class, mentally taking down notes "Although sometimes, they wouldn't make it clear to the person they like why they're doing those affectionate stuff because they're shy to admit it, afraid being rejected which leaves the other one confused. It's pure emotional torture." Maki chuckled as she stood up from the bench, patting her track pants and straightening her shirt

"But if you were to be unfortunate, they would say that they were only being affectionate and concerned simply because you guys are friends." and with that last remark, Maki waved and left, running down to meet with her classmates who have just started gathering on the field below.

Maki's words rang a bell for Umi. Suddenly, she remembered when she and Eli went to buy Maki and her family some presents for their anniversary party. They met with one of their staffs, Haibara-san, who asked Eli who Umi was to her. Eli mentioned that she was a 'friend' of hers.

"Both of us called one another 'lover' and did some... stuff together." Mumbling to herself, flashbacks of the anniversary night suddenly went through her head, the the thought making her blush madly. But as soon as she remembered Maki's words about showing affection, her face went back to it's original healthy color.

"Eli was also close to losing her marbles when that man almost harassed me." she shivered at the traumatizing event, the night the culprit broke in her house. Leaning on the wall, she was distracted in a train of thought, her eyes now closed whilst the wind blowing her hair. "God, she even stayed the night with me"

Her phone went off on an alarm and she read the digits on her lock screen. Vacant time was soon to be over. She made her way down the bleachers and climbed up two flights of stairs, settling in to the room where their next class would be held.

"Now that I think of it, she didn't make things clear between us, and so did I." They didn't even have a status or label to begin with. Disappointedly, she sighed and looked out of the classroom's window panes with a long face

"Just what are we?"

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