day sixteen

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One night I was reading the Bible before bed, and I honestly can't remember what book I was in, but I kept reading this same phrase: "God paid a high price for you."

Now I don't know about you, but if I'm going to be paying a high price for something, I'm going to want it pretty bad. Whatever that is, it's going to be valuable to me. And after I've paid a high price for something, I'm going to take care of it- because it's valuable to me. Bottom line: I would never pay a high price for something unless it was worth it. 

See the common theme here?

God paid a high price for us- in fact, the highest price we could ever imagine: the blood of His own Son. So if we pay some measly human currency for something of this world and we care enough to take care of it, imagine how valuable we must be to God, who paid the highest of prices for us, and how faithful He is to take care of us.

I know it sounds so repetitive, but I think it's so powerful that God wanted us, and He wanted us so much that He gave His only Son for us, KNOWING we would go astray and hurt Him. But even though we did, He still paid that high price. Sometimes, when we go astray, we feel unworthy and like we have no value, but we ALWAYS are valuable to God! So whenever the enemy tries to tell you you're not valuable, remember the high price God paid for you. Know what you are worth to Him- and act like it!

God paid a high price for you, so don't be enslaved by the world.
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7:23‬ ‭

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