day twenty-six

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"My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever."
‭‭Psalm 73:26

The world is so into the idea of doing everything on our own. It's seen as weak to need help or rely on others, and independence and strength are celebrated. Sometimes it feels like we've only succeeded at something if we've done it "all by ourselves."

Here's something to think about: we don't do anything at all by ourselves. The world is quick to tell us that we're strong, but the fact is that we really aren't- not on our own, at least. God did this on purpose so that we would be a stage for His power. Paul says that he even boasts about his weaknesses because they show God's power in all its fullness. We spend a lot of time trying to hide our struggle, but what if we just embraced it?

You are strong because your strength comes from God. I think that's so amazing, because our own strength is so likely to fail, but God's strength is infinite and never fails. No matter how weak you feel, know that you have God's strength within you. Know that it's ok- more than ok- to need His strength and rely on Him to get you through. We will always grow weak and fail, but that just makes us need Him more- what a powerful way to grow our faith and display God's might.

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