day eleven

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But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Ephesians 2:4-5

"Thanks be to God for another fresh beginning!"

This was part of a reading in my church service one Sunday, and it kind of stopped me for second when I read it. This forgiveness isn't just one fresh beginning- there have been a lot of these. A whole lot. To my human mind, it kind of seemed exhausting at first glance. I mean, giving that many second chances to people who definitely don't deserve them? It's a lot harder than it sounds. But thankfully, what is hard and exhausting to humans is nothing to God, and He is more than glad to do it.

The other day I was reading Genesis 3, and I noticed that after Adam and Eve do exactly what God has told them not to- and He catches them in the act- He immediately makes clothes for them out of animal skins to replace their flimsy fig leaves. Again, my human mind was confused- why would anyone do something like that for someone who had just sinned against them? I didn't think they deserved help from God.

But again, God doesn't work like humans do. It doesn't matter what we've done or how many second chances we need- He gives them gladly. That doesn't mean we should just ignore pleasing God and bank on grace, of course, but it should give us so much joy that God's love for us goes so far past what our human minds can fathom. Grace doesn't come with a list of conditions- it just comes abundantly. So when you get caught up in your mess and guilt, just remember how God gives and forgives, and thank Him for another fresh beginning.

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