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"Hoseok, I'm going to die," Jimin whines. "It's not that bad," Hoseok says. "What do you mean, Jungkook likes me. He clearly said that yesterday," Jimin says. "Do you not like him back?" Hoseok asks.

Jimin looks at Hoseok like he's crazy. "No. Why would I ever like him? I'm sure he would cheat on me. The likelihood of me getting with him is equivalent to me going to the moon," Jimin says.

Hoseok laughs and asks, "Isn't that a bit much?" "No, I will never get with Jungkook," Jimin says. "Alright, let's just go to class. You have all day to figure out how to deal with Jungkook tonight," Hoseok says. "Fine," Jimin says.

They both close their lockers and walk off to class. "Jimin," Mr. Choi says as they walk in. Jimin splits with Hoseok and goes to Mr. Choi's desk. "Yes?" Jimin asks. "How did Friday go?" he asks. "It went good. Everything went perfectly," Jimin lied.

Technically yes it went fine, but for Jimin, it couldn't have been worse. Like why did Jungkook have to admit he liked Jimin to him. Why was Jimin lying for Jungkook, he has no clue.

"Alright, well I hope you guys have fun again today then," he says. "Thanks," Jimin says. Jimin walks back to his desk and sits next to Hoseok.

Hoseok doesn't even have to ask Jimin what the conversation was about. "Hoseok, why would I say it went fine," Jimin asks. "I have no clue," Hoseok says. "If I said it wasn't, maybe I would've been able to not have to tutor him anymore," Jimin says.

"But you did say it was fine," Hoseok says. "I know," Jimin sighs. "Everything will be fine, just focus on class for now," Hoseok says. Jimin nods and pulls out his notebook.

Mr. Choi starts class and Jimin is off in another world. Jimin is thinking about Jungkook and how to deal with him this afternoon. "Why does Jungkook have to like me and most importantly, why do I have to tutor him?" Jimin asks himself.

Jimin sighs and lowers his head, knowing there's no way he's getting out of talking with Jungkook. Jimin fiddles with his fingers in his lap, trying to figure out different ways the conversation could go tonight.

"What if Jungkook just wants to do math tonight and I'm worrying about nothing?" Jimin asks himself inside his head. "No, he'll probably try to get with me or something. If he wants me so bad, then why doesn't he just ask to hook up with me. Doesn't he do that with everyone?"

Jimin gets way lost in his thoughts, to mad at Jungkook for liking him, then telling him. He is so lost he doesn't hear Mr. Choi calling his name.

"Mr. Park," Mr. Choi says. Jimin doesn't answer, not hearing him. "Mr. Park!," Mr. Choi says founder, making everyone turn to look at Jimin.

Jimin finally snaps out of his trance and looks around at everyone staring at him. He looks up at Mr. Choi and sees him staring at him.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Choi asks. Jimin nods sinking in his chair, not wanting the attention on him any longer. He looks down and glances to the side at Hoseok. Hoseok is looking at him and can clearly tell something is wrong with Jimin.

"Mr. Choi, can I go take Jimin out for a walk?" Hoseok asks. "Sure," he agrees. Hoseok gets up and walks out, Jimin following close behind him. Hoseok closes the door behind Jimin and looks at his friend.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok asks. "It's nothing. I'm fine," Jimin says. "You would've of looked at me if something wasn't wrong," Hoseok says. "Just tell me it's okay. I'm here for you."

"It's just why did Jungkook have to say he liked me. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I don't want to have to deal with it. And the fact I have to tutor him three times a week doesn't help. It's not his fault if he really needs help, it's mine for not wanting to help him. But he could've at least left out the fact that he liked me. I feel like I'm going to throw up," Jimin says, completely done with Jungkook.

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