Chapter 15

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A/N: OMG OMG OMG! I'm updating this chapter because omg IN just freakin' released a cover! I'm so freaking proud of him. It's so good. Stream it. Stream it NOW! Show him love and support. He got the courage to do a cover and I couldn't be happier. >w< Sorry, I just had to do this after it released. Listen to it while reading, I don't care. Just listen to his vocals. TT^TT

Changbin opened his eyes in confusion. He saw Seungmin passed out and cuddling him.

He sat up, not knowing how he got here. He was confused and without knowing, his breath came out short.

Did he drink? No. He remembers talking to Chan.

"Changbin?" He heard. He couldn't move, he was shaking too much.

"Hey, focus on me. The weight on your hand." Changbin noticed a weight on his hand and gripped it. A hand. He focused on his breathing.

His vision cleared slowly to focus on Seungmin. The boy smiled, "Hey, stay focused on me. Everything is okay."

"Wha-what happened? How did I-"

"Changbin, calm down. We can talk once you're calm."

The older nods, gripping the hand again as he focused on calming his breathing. In and out.

"There we go. Now, one question at a time." Seungmin smiled.

"Well, what happened yesterday? I... don't remember. I was talking to Chan and then..." he was lost of words.

"So, you slipped into littlespace. I think it was when you were talking to Chan-hyung, but I'm not sure as I came in after you slipped.

"I was... in littlespace?" Changbin asked in disbelief and confusion.

Seungmin smiled, "Yeah. Adorable as well. We'd have to ask Chan for more information because I slipped as well."

Changbin shook his head, "Wait, so I slipped into littlespace and fell asleep here?" He recapped.

"Yeah, pretty much." Seungmin smiled kindly.

Changbin was confused but let himself be pulled to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Morning Changbin-hyung!" Jeongin smiled.

Jisung and Chan both were at the stove and turned around. "Hey, how are you?" Chan asked, flipping the pancakes on the stove right after.

"I'm...alright?" He responded in more of a question, "Where's the others?"

"Felix should be out with Hyunjin soon. Jisung, can you check on Minho?"

Jisung nodded, leaving for Chan's and Minho's room. Seungmin drags his hyung to sit next to Jeongin who was watching Chan make pancakes.

"So, can we talk later?" Chan asked as he brought the first batch of pancakes over.

Changbin nods as he takes a plate and eats in silence, his thoughts eating him up. He didn't like this feeling. He knew he was stressed, but there was a point in time where he wasn't stressed. But now he is stressed again due to not knowing what happened. He was in a constant loop of confusion.

"Hey, you okay?" He heard, looking up to see Jeongin looking back at him.

"I... I'm just...confused." He finally stated.

Jeongin nods, "Littlespace is confusing; even for me. But I'm sure you'll figure things out, hyung."

Changbin was shocked, "Y-you heard?"

"O-Oh, yeah. Chan told me what happened to ask me my opinion on what happened." Jeongin stated. "Though, I probably wasn't much help since I'm still new to all of this."

"Don't say that, Jeongin. Every bit of input is helpful." Chan smiled, bringing the second batch over. He turned the stove off to check what was taking Jisung and Minho so long.

Changbin didn't know what to say or do. It was never his intention to worry his members and now he was forcing his members to take time out of their already busy lives to figure out something that Changbin could never begin to understand.

Chan had enough on his plate already being the leader plus a caregiver. Plus, him and Jisung were constantly working to produce songs. Jeongin was still trying to understand littlespace while Seungmin was trying to help his little side trust the members. And, if this is how it felt after little space, then why should he go into it?

He hates this feeling with a passion. He's so confused and feels ten times worse than before. And for what? To have a few minutes with no stress? That's so stupid. Why push off stress for later only for it to snowball into something worse?

"-bin? CHANGBIN!"

Said boy flinched, looking to see Felix looking back at him in worry. "S-sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were okay. You were staring at the counter."

"I'm fine." Changbin automatically stated.

He forgot about Felix. He'd rely on his boyfriend to take care of him in littlespace. He wouldn't be able to help Felix. Would Felix think it was weird that he was possibly a little? Even Changbin hated it, so he was sure Felix would too.

His head felt fuzzy with all his thoughts so he picked up his glass of water, something to help clear his mind. The glass slid from his hands and fell to the floor, shattering.

He had it. He just wants this to end. He turned, getting up and leaving the room; making sure he didn't go the way the glass was, going to his studio and slamming it shut. Once closed, he let out a frustrated yell.

The yell soon changed into tears as he fell to the floor. Why won't the voices just shut up for once?

A/N: eeeh, I'm not sure if I like this chapter. Anyways, finals week is next week and school work is frustrating so I decided to take a break and work on this chapter.

On a side note, ENHYPEN released their debut song and it's so good.

Please go give them some love. That's all, see you hopefully soon!

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