Chapter 2

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Jeongin woke up a bit confused. Yesterday was a bit fuzzy. He looked down to see a stuffed cat in his arms.

"Sparkle?" He asked in confusion. Why did he know the name of this stuffed animal that wasn't his? But it was his?

His head hurt, he was confused. He heard knocking on his door so he went over to answer it.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" Chan asked.

"I... I'm ok? What happened yesterday? It seems so... fuzzy? How'd I get a stuffed cat that I know is named Sparkle?" Jeongin started piling questions on Chan.

"Jeongin, slow down. Yesterday you were really out of it. You didn't talk to us and you didn't even eat. Seungmin told me he gave you a stuffed animal to help you feel better."

"Oh... I should thank him." Jeongin smiled.

"How about you do that after you eat?"

Jeongin's stomach growled and he nodded, practically skipping to the kitchen.

"He seems to be in a better mood." Minho stated.

"Yeah, whatever Seungmin did last night must have helped him."

"What did Seungmin do?" Minho asked.

"Gave him a stuffed animal. Jeongin asked me about it saying he knew its name but not where it came from."

"Weird. So he doesn't remember what happened yesterday?"

"No, he said it seemed fuzzy. I might try searching it up to see what's going on." Chan said, the two going out to the kitchen to see Jeongin eating cereal.

"Good morning hyung." Jeongin gave him a smile.

"Morning, Jeongin." Minho replied. Whatever happened, he just was happy to see the boy smiling again.

The group decided to watch a movie together after lunch. After, Chan wanted to talk to Seungmin so he asked him to stay.

"What's up, hyung?" He asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about yesterday." Chan stated.

Seungmin flinched, which Chan didn't notice. "What about it?"

"How did you know to give Jeongin a stuffed animal?" Chan asked.

"I don't know. I figured sometimes it helps to hug something?" He lied with ease.

"What exactly happened? Jeongin told me he knew its name was Sparkle? Did he say anything to you?"

"U-um, not much. I named it." Seungmin lied again. He wasn't fully sure that the youngest was a little and he didn't really want to tell Chan. Anything could lead to his secret being leaked. He didn't want that.

Whenever he told someone, they always seemed to leave him. No one knew but Seungmin was putting Woojin's leaving on his shoulders as a burden he believed was his fault. It had to be his fault.

"Well, thank you. Jeongin seems a lot happier today." Chan said, patting his head before going to his room.

Seungmin sighed. He decided to play a video game to pass the time and soon Jeongin came to sit next to him.

"Hyung?" He asked.

Seungmin hummed as he paused the game.

"I wanted to thank you for last night. Even though I don't really remember I know you helped me. Thank you for giving me Sparkle. I don't know why but she makes me really happy."

"Y-yeah, no problem. I'm glad she makes you happy."

"Can I ask you a weird question?" Jeongin then asked, fiddling with his fingers.

"Um, sure?"

"Is... Is it weird that I... I want to c-color and stuff?"

"Color?" Seungmin asked.

"Like in a coloring book?"

"No, adults do that too. They find it relaxing." Seungmin stated.

"O-okay... What about Sparkle? Is it normal that I wanna hold her and cuddle her?"

Seungmin was quiet for a second, "You're not strange for wanting to cuddle a stuffed animal, Jeongin."

The youngest nods, "Okay. Can I join you?"

"We can play Mario Kart? Let me just finish this level, okay?"

Jeongin nods, "Okay!"

Chan was in his studio looking up things. He looked up how Jeongin liked a stuffed animal. It wasn't much to build off of but he noticed a blog about 'littles'. Curious, he clicked on to read.

Littles seemed to be adults who slipped into what was called littlespace. It could be any age ranging from babyspace to early teenager. Littles who slip to a younger space usually likes to play with toys, color in coloring books and also speak in a different tone.

Chan wasn't really sure as Jeongin didn't really speak to them yesterday. But, if Minho was correct about him sucking his thumb it may be possible he was in littlespace. He wondered how he could figure out if Jeongin might be a little. Could he see if he slips?

He searched again, finding that some people usually found littles when they were playing with toys. Though, if they were younger, people said they found them sucking on pacifiers.

The problem was, Chan had a feeling that Jeongin didn't know what was going on. So, it wasn't like he could catch him doing anything. So he decided to try and find a coloring book and see if Jeongin goes for it.

He decided to talk to Minho about his idea since he knew what was going on.

"So, what your saying is this... littlespace is an area where adults go for safety and stress relief and just be a kid again? And if Jeongin goes for these kid things he might possibly be a little?" Minho recapped.

"Yeah. I have a feeling that Jeongin doesn't know what's going on. I mean, you saw him yesterday. He was totally out of it. So it's not like we can catch him doing something. That's why I thought I could buy him a kids' coloring book. Ya know? See what happens?"

"Right, but what if you're wrong?" Minho asked.

"I guess I just tell him that I was testing to see what was going on."

"I mean, I hope he is a little. That would be so cute." Minho gushed.

Chan chuckled, "So, you want to come with me to get him the coloring book?"

"No, maybe I should stay here. In case he slips or something?"

"Oh, good idea. Tell me if anything happens." Chan smiled.

"Sure. I hope this all works out soon." Minho stated.

A/N: Double update as I'm bored. >w< Take it as a gift as we continue to social distance! ^_^

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