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Pallu's mind lashed out at her opponent, sending him flying back. He caught himself on a column and swung easily around and then landed on his feet. She was on him before he even landed. Her blade cut paths in the air that she had never found before but he matched her. He kept her unbelievable pace. Their swords scored unimportant hits on their opponents. Pallu's fist connected with the added force of her mind to his gut. He groaned from the blow but held the pain inside and continued his rampage. Their blades hit so many times that there was a constant hum of metal ringing in the air. Pallu did not smile when she found his opening. She only took it. With a deft feint of a jab her sword turned its path and sliced across his chest, the first major hit of their battle. Her opponent stumbled backwards, hands clutching his chest. He flew against the far wall and did not move once he fell.

Pallu ran to her father. His eyes stared up to the sky completely devoid of all life-light. She clutched him to her, tears streaming in torrents down her cheeks. She felt the air above her move and turned in time to see her enemy with his sword arching down at her. She had not place to go, no way to move. It was then at this close range that she saw his face in the shadows of the cloak.


Just as the sword was an inch from her face another blade intercepted it. The assassin flew away from her. Pallu saw a swift form, sword gleaming in the night light. The warrior who had saved her life fought like no one she had seen.


Rumah's sword parried left and then right. She stabbed his stomach and then her sword found his cheek, slicing it open. He tried to plead but she heard none of it. Her blade pinned down his as she kicked him in the chin. Ocran's face flew back exposing his throat. She reversed the grip of her weapon and cut a red path across the helpless area. Rumah's heart beat rapidly in her chest as she stared down at her husband's body, his throat gleaming in the dark pooling liquid. Her hands were shaking so much her sword fell from her hands. The clang startled her so much she jumped.

Rumah, a familiar male voice caressed her mind tentatively. When she seemed to relax, physical hands turned her from the sight and allowed her to bury her face in his chest.


Pallu never saw her sister or the rest of the battle between husband and wife. She never even knew that Rumah was there. Her eyes were filled with tears for her father. What little she could see was his face, forever frozen in shock. She knew the image would haunt her for the rest of her life. Pallu's hand continually stroked his hair away from his face, whispering for him to wake. Though her mind told her he was dead, her heart refused to believe.

Gentle hands rested on her shoulders. "Pallu. Come on. We must..."

A primal growl erupted as she leapt onto the offender of her time with her father. Her fists rained down on the poor man who dared to interrupt her. At first she hit hard enough to knock a man unconscious but she soon lost strength. Her head fell forward onto the young man's chest. Tentatively he put his arms around her from which she bounded away. Pallu's eyes were wild as an animal's that had been cornered by creatures who had tortured it before. The rage in her was held at bay by a thin veil. If he moved to her she would attack. There was no doubt.

Two people moved towards Pallu. One had been the one to save her life. Pallu did not recognize anyone there, only her father who was dead. Tears trickled. Her father. He was gone. As she looked away so the strangers would not see her cry, the person who saved her life moved forward into the light. Recognition spilled over Pallu's face.


Pallu ran and threw her arms around her sister. Her sister had saved her. Rumah had saved her. But Papa is dead, she kept thinking. Why couldn't he live? He had to live. These thoughts kept racing through Pallu's mind and thus Rumah's. The sisters cried in each other's arms. Both held erect by the support of the other. Neither knew how long they stood there on that balcony which so completely altered their lives. It seemed like eternity. At the end of that eternity Pallu pulled away from Rumah's embrace and wiped away the tears. Her eyes went to the two strangers questioningly. Rumah assured her they were not there to hinder or hurt.

The one who had interrupted her and her father moved to pick up his body. Pallu moved protectively in front of her father and hissed like a great feline in the wilds and just as threateningly. His eyes were angry and he would not move.

"You're hurt," she heard the stranger say.

"He's mine," she heard herself reply and picked her father's body up. Then both Pallu and her father disappeared.

She nearly collapsed when she reappeared in the queen's quarters. The queen and her guards jumped to their feet at her unexpected entrance. Ner knew at once what happened and rushed Pallu's side. Feral eyes stared into Ner's as Pallu fell to her knees.

"He's gone." With those words Pallu knew no more.

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