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Pallu laid in her bed with her father's letter held before her as she reread the communication. What troubled her most was that her father had not written this himself. The person who wrote it was a woman by the delicacy of the penmanship. Apparently her father was wounded in defending the king and could not write himself, but all told he was still fine. She was to stay put until he wrote again which should be in no more than three days.

The young woman sighed heavily. If he was alright, then why couldn't he write himself? Why couldn't she come home? What if this was a trick to get her to come home so the person who wrote the note could use her against him? What if they wanted her to stay so they could come after her?

Other than the handwriting, the note followed her father's usual style. He never signed or named her in the letter, only called her "Love." His tone was normal. It was only the handwriting that scared her. He must be seriously wounded or otherwise indisposed to write. Neither of the two prospects sat well with her.

Two days had passed since the night of the festival and neither produced a letter. All told, her three days were up. She wrapped her hair tightly in her scarf and donned her cloak and weapons before moving to the stairs. Standing before the barkeep was a person dressed in messenger green. Her spine tingled warning as the barkeep nodded and pointed at her standing at the top of the stairs. No sooner had the owner showed the messenger Pallu than a small crossbow concealed in the person's cloak was aimed and fired at the young woman. She had no time to draw her sword. Only her mind could block so quick an attack. Her mind caught the bolt a few feet from her chest and dropped it harmlessly to the ground. Gasps rose from the few people in the common room at the sight. A chair went hurling towards Pallu without anyone's throwing it.

Sardena and Yunin walked in at the moment the chair was heaved at their new friend.

"Pallu!" Sardena warned.

Again, her mind caught and dropped it. Pallu winked and the person's hood fell back to reveal a red haired man in his thirties. The man laughed as Yunin came at him with sword in hand.

"Yunin, no!" Pallu rushed down the stairs, and knowing she could not reach him physically, she pushed Yunin as hard as she could with her mind. He fell to the ground as surely as if someone shoved him. Pallu was too late, the dagger that threatened to take her friend's life was embedded in his right shoulder. At least it was not his heart.

Pallu's eyes never left this messenger who was now blanching at the young woman. To move people was the work of a master. His mouth began to open and close as if gasping for breath. He clutched at his throat.

"Who are you?" she rasped, trying hard not to break her concentration.

His face told her he would say nothing.

Her mind squeezed harder on his throat. "I asked you a question."

From a concealed pocket he produced a dagger and smiled. "You'll never know." The man plunged the weapon into his stomach.

Pallu shook her head as she released his throat. "Fool."

The entire room was on their feet and backed as far from the pair as possible.

"Sorceress," pointed one.

"Witch," accused another.

After the messenger was found to be dead, Pallu moved to her friends. Whether or not they still considered her friend was a matter to be reckoned. Sardena had her cloak holding in the blood. Both looked at her as if she were some beast and they her prey.

"I have to take it out," she whispered as she crouched before them.

"Don't you touch him, Witch." The barkeep ran to defend fallen Yunin.

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