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Pallu's hand rested on Mic's shoulder as the girl gawked at the palace. "It's huge."

"Aye, it never ceases to amaze me either."

"Ya're sure it's alright fer me ta come witcha."

"Of course it is." Pallu rubbed the girl's head affectionately. "Not scared, are you?"

"Nah. Nervous."

"No worries here, Mic." They began to walk along the path leading to the front entrance. "I asked my lil' cousin to come."


"He'll keep you company 'til I'm done and then the rest of the day is ours. We'll go wherever you want."

Her face soured at the prospect of spending time with a boy but said nothing.

"He's alright." Pallu leaned close to her ear. "He can do mind tricks."

Mic's eyes went wide. "Really?"

"Aye. But if you promise not to try what you see him do I'll teach you some tricks."

Mic nodded. "Deal."

Soon the strange pair were at a less traveled hall. Only soldiers were seen roaming about. They approached a door. Two soldiers flanked it. With an upraised hand Pallu stopped them from opening it. She knelt before Mic.

"Do you know who's behind that door?"

Mic nodded mutely.

"I know you don't usually say much around other people but can you please talk to her if she says anything to you?"

She nodded again. After Pallu raised her eyebrows Mic said, "Aye, I'll speak."

Pallu kissed her forehead. "That's my girl."

Mic smiled at Pallu as Pallu nodded to the guards. The young girl's eyes widened when she beheld the splendor of the room. Tapestries hung along the walls depicting heroic scenes of old. Mic squeezed Pallu's hand. The duchess looked down just after tilting her head to the queen at the far side of the room.

"One day ya'll be up on 'ese walls," the girl whispered as children do, which meant everyone in the room could hear.

The queen rose at the far end of the chambers and with quiet steps she approached the pair as the child spoke. Nimshi was not far behind. "I believe you are right about that. Master Pallu is fast becoming a hero of the land."

Pallu blushed crimson. "You're too kind, Majesty."

The queen knelt before Mic. "You must be the famous Mic. Pallu barely speaks of anyone else. When she arrived she told how brave you were with that mage."

Mix squeezed Pallu's hand and looked to her. "She saved me life."

Ner smiled warmly at Pallu. "She is quite good at saving lives." After a pause she said, "I'm sorry to hear about your family and village. We will bring the people who did it to justice."

Mic's eyes went sad. "Thank you."

Nimshi helped Ner rise. "What have you ladies planned today?"

"Pallu said we can do whatever I want!" the child blurted and then quickly demurred.

The queen's husband smiled knowingly. "Did she?"

"I did. Though I have a few surprises in mind."

"Oh well say no more," the queen warned with an upraised hand and a smirk. "It'll ruin Mic's surprise."

Pallu walked Mic to a door along the far wall. "That's right. No knowing what the surprise is." She opened the door and there stood Pallu's cousin, Namor. After introductions were made Pallu whispered to Mic. "I'll be right back in a few minutes."

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