Extra chapter PT.2

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Yoongi's past

This will be sad and slightly disturbing with mentions of rape. Sorry if you don't like this type of stuff, and if you don't want to read it, that's okay.

Author's PV

When Yoongi was born, he was a brother out of 3 siblings. He had an older brother and a younger sister. He didn't know much about the world and for the beginning of his life he was in a single room. Scientist would check in on him and his family, but he didn't understand what was going on. At the age of 6, he saw him mom get dragged away and he was alone with his siblings. His brother was 9 and took care of them. After a year, they finally got a grip of their new reality.

"Brother? What's happening to mom? Why did she leave?" His little sister asked. They didn't have names and they would be referred to as 112, 113, and 114. They didn't understand anything.

"She's on a trip, but she wanted to take us with her so she was sad." His older brother said. Yoongi sat in front of his sister with sad eyes as she smiled at the news.

"Will we go on the trip sometime??" She asked excitedly. He felt tears build up in his eyes as he looked away from her. They continued talking before a group of men busted into the room.

"Take 112," a man in a white coat ordered to men carrying guns. They nodded and hurried over to Yoongi, grabbing him and dragging him away. He screamed for his siblings as his sister smiled.

"He's going on the trip!!" She said happily while waving. His brother cried and hugged his sister while she asked what was wrong. Yoongi cried and went limp into their grip. He knew it was hopeless.

"We got him boss," the soldier who grabbed him said. A man with a wicked grin stood in front of him. He leaned down and caressed Yoongi's face, but he leaned away from the man. 

"You weren't lying, his hair is as white as snow. Although he is slightly more pale then I want him to be, he's perfect for my home." The man explained in a husky voice. The man scared Yoongi so much that he started to whimper and weep.

"Please let me go back..... I want to go back..." Yoongi said in a soft voice as the tears choked him up. The man frowned and clicked his tongue. Then suddenly, he gripped Yoongi by his hair and pulled him up. He leaned in by Yoongi's ear and said,

"Why would I let such precious merchandise just leave. I have many plans for you..." He whispered in his ear. Yoongi started shaking and dropped back down onto his knees.

"Take him to my car and put him in the cage." The man said in a gruff tone. Yoongi didn't put up a fight as he was dragged into a cage and thrown into the backseat of a car. Although Yoongi had never seen the outside before, he wasn't interested as he drove by many things. He layed down and cried himself to sleep.

After a year at that mans house, many beatings and rude remarks later, Yoongi was sold off. He didn't know the man he was sold off too but he was happy to be out of there. Before he could thank the man, he was slapped across the face. The man told him to not look him in the eye before asking. He was also referred to as master. He was a lot harsher than the other guy. He wasn't fed daily, water was drank out of a bowl on the ground, he wasn't able to shower in the house and used a hose outside, he slept in the closet, and he had to work. Work wasn't normal for him, no he was sold daily to horrible people. They would touch him and use him as they pleased as Yoongi cried to them to stop. That often led to more beatings, but some people liked to see him cry. It led to Yoongi being emotionless and reserved.

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