~Lets Go Home~

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~Aomine P.O.V.~

I stared at the blonde boy who was in front of me. The coughing has stopped for now. I think I know who he is in love with to be honest... and it makes a lot of sense.

I watched as the blue haired boy fed Ryouta. They looked like a cute couple. I was kinda jealous... Me and Ryouta had known each other since we were born.... this isn't fair. Why didn't I become his bestfriend? Where have I been..? Why... why is he in love with Kuroko...?

Well this is it... he might not be around for much longer. So let me be here for him now...

"Hey Ryouta... theres gonna be a party at my house this Friday... you should come." I suggested.

I don't know why but that got me a dirty look from Kuroko...

"Really!!? He's dying and you want to invite him to a party!!? God. You of all people should know that he fucking hates parties!" He huffed out, continuing to feed Ryouta.

But Ryouta shook his head. He looked at me and smiled gently.

"Actually... a party sounds nice. Might as well experience it once before.... ya know." He sighed.

"NO!!! Kise-Kun, you're getting the surgery right!!? I won't let you die from this!" Kuroko huffed out.

I watched as the blonde gave the tiny boy a calming smile.

"It's okay Kurokocchi~ I'll figure it out. I swear. But for now. Let me live like I don't have much longer. Please." He pleaded.

Kuroko just sighed and nodded, giving into him.

"So Aominecchi... I'll go to your party. And don't worry. I'll still do your homework.... just give it to me later. You can stop by my house after school since my parents will probably pick me up soon."

That... made me mad. Is he really thinking about my homework in a time like this!!?

"What is you're problem kid!!?" I huffed out.

~Kise P.O.V.~

My problem? What does he mean? I'm just trying to help...

"I was just—" I was cut off my the nurse stepping into the room.

"Kise Ryouta? Your parents called us back. Unfortunately your dad can't get off work to pick you up but your mom is on her way." She informed us with a sweet smile.

I nodded "Thank you ma'am."

After she left I laid back in the bed. It was quiet between the three of us.

"I think I'm going back to class........ I'll see you later Ryouta...." Aominecchi huffed as he stood up, grabbing whatever he had with him.

"I- uh.. oh okay. Bye..." I hummed as I watched him leave.

"Ya know Kise-Kun? He's pretty nice. I think you should tell him. Even if he says no, I think it might help you. Because the reason you won't get the surgery is because you still have hope that maybe he will feel that way.... right?" Kurokocchi asked, completely calling me out.

"N- No! I'm not getting it because if I don't love him, he'll fail!" I said as an excuse.

He gave me that look. The "I'm not fucking stupid and can see past your bullshit" look.

I gulped.

"Okay fine! I- I haven't told him because part of me hopes that maybe he'll feel the same way... and if I get the surgery and lose my feelings..... I'd be so mad. I know it's just false hope. He would never love me back. But... I can't let go of this..." I finally admitted.

"And that's why you need to tell him! If he says no then you're eyes will finally open up! And you'll get the surgery..." he tried to plead with me.

"I can't Kurokocchi.... I'm sorry." I sighed.

He sighed and didn't respond.... we stayed silent for the rest of the time until we suddenly heard foot steps. We looked up and my mom had rushed into the room.

She looked shocked and ran over to me. Well. Maybe not ran, but walked as fast as she could in heels before throwing her arms around me.

"Oh my god, baby, are you okay!!?" She asked as she cuddled me.

"Y- Yeah mom... I'm fine..." I lied.

"Come on. I already checked you out. Let's get going." She insisted, pulling me out of bed.

She looked over to Kurokocchi.

"Thank you for looking after him and helping him Kuroko. Remember, your welcome at our house any time." She reminded him.

"Thank you Mrs. K. I may stop by later to see how he's doing." He said and waved us off.

She nodded and we both waved back as we walked off together. Once we got into the car she didn't start it or anything. She just took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Who is it?" She asked.

I didn't wanna tell her, no... but... I owed it to her. I was still in the closet as gay. Though I think they have a pretty good idea...

"Mom.... It's Aominecchi..." I admitted, leaning over to her and crying a bit in her shoulder.

She didn't seem shocked. She just put her arms around me and comforted me.

"Shhhh.... it's okay baby.... I already knew." She said, trying to calm me down.

"Then- Then why did you ask?" I cried into her.

"Because I wanted to hear it from you... now lean your seat back and take a nap. I'll take you home and make you your favorite dinner...." she assured me as she gently pushed me off of her and then started the car.

I did as she said, finding the handle to lean my seat back and then I rested my eyes. They were starting to burn from all the crying I had just done....

I tossed and turned unable to fall asleep at first. Finally I was able to after awhile though...

My mom must had made a few stops before we went home because when she woke me up to get out of the car it was 11:30 and we left at 10:30. Plus we only lived 10 minutes away by car...

"Come on honey, let's go in. And I'll start cooking." She hummed.

I nodded and got out of the car, heading up to my room.

Today was so terrible...

Aomine's Homework//AoKiseWhere stories live. Discover now