~A Sleepover?~

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~Kuroko P.O.V.~

I had come up to Kise-Kun's room to maybe bring him some coffee since he had just woken up from a nap. However when I stepped inside I could have sworn I'd seen Aomine-Kun leaning into him.... Like he was about to kiss him or something.

"Excuse me. What's going on?" I questioned

Aomine-Kun panicked and quickly shot his head back at me. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Oh nothing. He just fell asleep. I- I was uhm. Making sure he was comfortable." He told me, adding a nervous chuckle at the end.

"Ahh." I hummed in response.

I don't know if what I saw was accurate or not. I could have been mistaken. Probably best to not mention it to Kise-Kun just incase I had made a mistake.

I walked in and sat the coffee down on a coaster next to Kise-Kun's bed.

I then made my way over to his desk chair and took a seat, beginning to tidy up.

"His room is messier than I expected..." Aomine-Kun examined to break the awkward silence.

I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye. He was now wondering around and examining things.

"Hhh... yeah. Kise-Kun is incredibly intelligent. However he has so much work on his plate that by the time he gets done he has no motivation to clean. I try to come over and help him but I've been busy recently myself." I informed him.

I finally had all the papers on his desk separated into 2 stacks. His work, and then Aomine-Kun's work.

"Why hasn't he ever asked me? I live a lot closer than you do."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Why exactly WOULD he ask you? Stop acting like y'all are besties."

"What? Everytime I advance conversation with him outside of homework he gets all nervous and walks away. How is that my fault?" He snapped back at me, crossing his arms.

"Don't get mad. I was just stating. You guys aren't friends..." I started while trying to think of an excuse to tell Aomine-Kun why Kise-Kun would want to run away from him.

"And Kise-Kun runs away from you because you're friends with Haizaki. He's a complete asshole. Safe to say his friends probably are too." I lied.

Haizaki has never spoken to Kise-Kun before... but what other reason would he have? I don't want Aomine-Kun to think Kise-Kun hates him. But I would be betraying his trust to tell him the truth.

"Haizaki isn't really my friend.." he mumbled shamefully.

"Oh yeah? He sits with you guys at lunch, you throw parties together, you get drunk and go do dumb shit together. Seems pretty friendly to me." I stated with a raised eyebrow.

I then got up from the desk and started to pick up some of Kise-Kun's clothes before the tall dark blue haired male started to help pitch in and continue conversation.

"Haizaki.. he's just.. I don't know man. You'd have to know him to get it. He is an asshole, I know. But he's not the kind of person you just walk away from." He tried to explain.

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