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The match against Zeus was neck to neck. Jennifer was sitting with the managers watching it carefully. The final score was 2-2 so the teams got additional time. In that time Basile scored using fireball storm. Raimon won. Jennifer got up from the bench and walked to Byron. "Great match wannabe god." Jennifer said extending her hand as Byron shook it. "Thank you m'lady." He bent down and kissed her knuckles. Jennifer giggled."you are still the same."

She went back to her team and grinned. "Well played guys. Sorry for being a bit sour for last two days. I was not in a mood."

"That's okay jenny. You can scold us whenever you want." Sonny grinned back at her.
"You really are a cinnamon role."
"The match of polestar vs lunar prime is still going on. Wanna watch it?" Aurelia asked the team.

"Yeah why not." Valentine replied.
"Let's go fast then." Regina picked up two bottles.
Excited to see heath already? Jennifer scoffed internally.
Heart- don't be rude. You are excited as well.

Jennifer shook her head and followed the team. They reached the stadium and saw the scoreboard. Polestar- 0 , lunar prime -3

The team was a bit surprised.
"This match is that much one sided?" Jennifer whispered. The match was going okay till heath shouted."Omega maelstorm phase 1, phase 2" and all the players of polestar were lifted in air at a huge height. Jennifer gasped when she realized what will happen
"Phase 3" heath shouted and the players started falling from a great height. Jennifer extended her hand attempting to slow their falling speed with her magic.

The players fell down and had a great impact. Though due to Jennifer's magic they weren't injured seriously but they got hurt pretty hard. Jennifer was fuming with anger. Polestar's coach Travis forfeited the game. Regina ran down. Jennifer knew where Regina was going. She ran down too but towards Jude and the others. When she reached the field she kneeled beside Jude."you okay? Jude say something." She was almost choking on her tears. Jude shifted a bit and grunted.

"Thanks for saving us." He whispered.
Jennifer sighed with relief and walked to Elliot. "are you okay?"
"Yeah." Elliot nodded getting up"I had to win.I had to do it for faith."

Jennifer clenched her fist and stormed off inside the stadium building. She saw heath and kyle walking with Duske. She gritted her teeth and walked to kyle briskly without a word *slap* her hand connected with his cheek. kyle's face whipped to the side. "You could have killed them if they would have got any head injuries."

An angry expression hovered on Kyle's face as he growled. "I was following my captain's orders " And with that he walked away. Jennifer looked at heath. "I thought you were not what you show yourself as but now I know you are even worse." The tears in her eyes were of anger. She couldn't think of anything else than how much she hated him at that moment.

The next day at practice sonny and Jennifer were entering the club room when they saw Regina walking out.
"What's up with her?" Sonny asked.
"seems like the rumours are true." Mister Yi exclaimed.
"What rumors?"
"Regina is being decieved by one of her friends. It may be an very scary guy."
"I don't think thats the case." Jennifer raised one eyebrow but was dragged outside by sonny
"Where are you taking me?" She questioned
"We have to help Regina."
"Sonny you know mister YI talks shit right?"
"She can be in serious trouble." Sonny kept on dragging her.
"Oh boy!"
After sometime they saw Regina enter luner prime academy.Jennifer frowned. "Kyle's school? Oh its heath." She whispered to herself .
They followed her. She walked inside the stadium of luner prime where heath was sitting on the empty chairs. Sonny and Jennifer hid behind one of the chairs.
"Heath ." regina spoke up
"Oh its you. Raimon's manager. What are you doing here. Its the enemy territory right?"
Regina didn't say anything.
"Let me guess you are here to say you like me." Heath stated nonchalantly.
He is so full of himself. Jennifer screamed in her head.
"No thats not It." Regina said and again went silent.
Speak Regina. You are giving him more confidence that you are into him.
Jennifer groaned.
"You are not a type to play a match like that."
"What do you know about me?"
"I can tell you were in pain when you did that. You werent able to be your true self. It was crushing you. You are just like sonny and you love to play soccer."

"I actually find you quite funny. My situation is far from normal. I will tell you a bit about myself. My father used to stay away for work for most of the time. My mother was overwhelmed raising me, so much that she had a nervous breakdown so I was send to the institute of excellence saying they will provide me the best education but i was wrong my parents just thought me as being in their way. In the institute children were raised using the scales of Ares. There were rejected children like me. We were shown how corrupt the society was. Scales of Ares produces excellent people who can live a life of comfort and can spend time with their family and love their children."
"So thats why you are passionate about it."
"But my Time is running out. I was diagnosed with brain tumor."
Regina gasped as Jennifer did the same from behind the chairs.
Heath is dying?
Jennifer sneaked out from behind the chairs and ran out . this can't be happening. He can't be dying.

The next day at practice Jennifer was practicing with the players. She couldn't concentrate. "Hey Jennifer. You look a bit distracted today." Valentine told her.
Jennifer looked up."uh yeah sorry."

In the clubroom mister yi told the team that their next opponent will be alpine Jr high. Jennifer stood up from her seat and walked to the front."your next opponents are pretty tough. Main players of this team are Kevin dragon fly , Shawn frost and aiden frost. While Shawn and Aiden show great teamwork with each other , Kevin's individual strength is excellent. Other than these three the others won't be a problem but don't let your guards down."

"Yeah!" The team chorused. Sandra looked a bit sad.
"What's up Sandra?" Jennifer asked her.
"I have been receiving shots after shots from great players and I let them through. I have to get stronger "
Jennifer smiled at her and extended her hand. "Lets climb to the top." Sandra took it and stood up. The team practiced and practiced. Looking at them Jennifer smiled.These people are trying so hard to win I have to be there for them I can't let petty things like boys distract me.
Short chapter,boring chapter. Sorry for that. Keep on reading😃

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