summary of book 1

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Allison rosewood was an orphan child with some supernatural powers who was in the same orphanage as the aliea academy but she was adopted by the argent family at the age of 6. She changed her name from Allison rosewood to Jennifer argent. She lived in California with her adoptive parents (jacy and chris)for 7 years. There she was friends with Eric ,mark kregur , Dylan etc. When she turned 13 her father got transfered to Japan so her whole family(elder brother,.mother,father,Jennifer) had to move there. In Japan she met mark Evans and the soccer team. She went on the amazing journey with them and also found out about her powers. The likes of her were called anodite and she inherited the power from her mother who in turns inherited it from her mother. At last on winning the finals of FFI she meets her real parents who tell her why they gave her up. Her mother tells her that her grandmother was murdered by a hidden organization who hunts supernatural to maintain superiority of human race. On returning to inazuma after one month of the end of FFI finals she was on the bridge above the riverbank with mark evans , reminiscing the time they spent together but was shot by an anonymous guy and had to go through two surgeries. The surgeries turned out to be unsuccessful and she died. Or that was what everyone thought.

Love interests

Mark kregur - they were in a relationship when she was in California but broke up when she shifted to Japan.

Axel- she thought of him as an arrogant guy at first. They used to fight alot but by the end Axel caught feelings for her. She had a little crush on him too but she had real feelings for Eric eagle.

Eric Eagle- the guy she ends up with. He was her best friend in California. He always had a crush on her. She returned his feelings by the end and they got in a relationship.

Xavier/hunter foster- he was the only guy Jennifer talked to when she was in the orphanage. After being adopted they broke all contacts. But he was a really precious part of her life.

Shawn Frost- they got really close while axel was away from the team. They even kissed when Shawn was in his aiden personality but didn't end up together because Shawn thought she liked his aiden form and not his Shawn form.

Caleb- she had lust for him. They had an one time make out thing on their FFI journey.

Nathan/ Steve/ Claude beacons/ Edgar- casual flirters.

Fidio- he wanted to take her on a date but never got the chance.

Nick names in the world of soccer.
• the flaming empress.
•the girl on fire
•the only female ace
•the only girl in FFI


• FW (ace striker.)

• fire tornado (she was the one who originally invented this shot.)
•fireball screw
•devils apocalypse.
• flaming phoenix.
•hellfire rain
•translucent wall. (Defense technique)

Combo hissatsu.
• fire tornado double drive.(with Axel)
• twin eclipse( with her brother kyle.)
• fire blizzard (with Shawn)
•gods apocalypse ( with Byron)

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