against animasauna

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On reaching home Jennifer called Nelly giving her all the latest updates. After running away Nelly was the first person who knew where she originally was because Jennifer told Nelly herself. In three years those girls had gotten really close.
She gave Nelly a detailed info on the latest happenings and then went to sleep.
Next day at practice mister Yi gave kiko and Sandra their own chores to do. Kiko had to clean the floor of the school while Sandra had to practice with a tier. Just like mark used to do. She pushed the tier and when it came swinging towards her she tried to stop it but got thrown away. She tried and tried day and night getting all bruised up. She was lying on the ground tiered. Mr Yi walked to her."what happened Sandra?"
"I...I can't do it." She panted.
"Sorry I miss lead you. I actually gave you a task which was impossible to complete. Sandra didnt say anything. Jennifer stepped forward. "You disappointed me sandra." She said with a stoic face. Sandra looked towards her.
"I thought you had the potential to become Mark Evans or even surpass him. I was biased towards you because you were also the only girl on the team but I guess I was wrong to even compare you with mark. The sentence you just said I can't do it confirmed it." With that Jennifer walked away leaving Sandra in tears.

After practice at night Jennifer got a call from sonny. "Jennifer Sandra is not coming out of her room. She is not even eating anything. We are concerned." Jennifer sighed"I am coming."

On reaching barbs jenny first checked Allison's room to make sure she was sleeping which she was. Then she went to Sandra's room. Sandra was sitting on her bed looking at her phone. "Sandra can I come in?"
Sandra looked up wiping her tears. "Jennifer yeah."
She walked and sat beside her." Why are you crying?"
"I don't know."
"you don't know why you are crying or you don't know wethere you will be able to do it?"
"I don't know to both."
"Look Sandra. There were times when I felt like giving up too but what I believed in myself. Winning in soccer is not depended on how skilled you are or how strong you are. Winning in soccer depends on this." She pointed to her heart."if you truly want something from your heart there's no one stopping you. I can give you my words and motivate you but wanting it from your heart is all your work." Jennifer got up and walked to the door. Turning the knob she looked over her shoulder. "Remember. There is just a slight deference between why and why not."
Sandra was deeply touched by her words and she practiced her ass of till she finally stopped the tier. Just there days before the match day Mr Yi was arrested. He was accused of accessing secured data. Though he said it was a false accusation and he will be back by the time match starts he wasn't. The team had to go without him. Jennifer frowned when she saw mr Yi sending instructions on the band. "Where did he get a mobile phone from? He is in jail right?" Jennifer frowned talking to herself. Sitting on the bleachers covering her face with her hoodei again.
The match ended with raimon's victory with the score 4-0. Jennifer got up from her seat and joined the players on their way to the locker room. Sandra came to her. "I did okay right?"
Jennifer grinned "you were impressive back there." Suddenly out of a dark corridor Jude came out saying. "Played well raimon but you will have to be careful with royals. Their skills are even better than Polestar's". Jennifer stepped forward. "Thanks for your concern Jude but I am leading this team and Jennifer argent never looses."
Jude smirked."can't expect less from you. Hopefully we will meet in the finals."
"Trust me we will. Raimon is winning the finals."
"We will see about that." Jude said walking away.
Sonny tapped on Jennifer's shoulder. "Don't you think that promise is a bit too much?"
"You guys are winning the finals. That's it."

On reaching her villa Jennifer dialed her brother.
"Can we go out to eat ice cream? Its been so long."
"Yeah sure. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes."
Jennifer got up from her bed. I don't think I will need my hoodie.
She changed into a casual crop top and waited. Once kyle's car was outside she skipped downstairs.
"Hello brother."
"Cmon in sissy."
She sat on the passenger seat and put on her seatbelt.
"You know I had to lie to Heath. He and Duske were going out, I said I was feeling unwell.
"Aww. You had lie to your best friend for me. I am so sorry." Jennifer said in a sarcastic tone rolling her eyes .
Kyle smacked her head.
"Owww. Concentrate on driving baka!"
"I am a pro driver you don't need to worry."
"Ya ya. So heath is out. What if we bump into them?"
"No we won't.My luck is not that bad."
" I wont count on my luck though. My luck sucks." Jennifer sighed.
"You know what else sucks?" Kyle asked her.
"My girlfriends. Like literally" Kyle smirked.
" what? Oh wait. Yuck! You are so gross kyle." Jennifer exclaimed annoyed. After few seconds she whispered. "you already had sex?"
"With whom?"
Kyle shut his mouth for a second." Uh just a random girl."
"U lost your virginity with a random girl. You are"
"Text me when you get an adjective.We are here." Jennifer and kyle got out of the car and headed inside.
"What are you getting?"
"The usual. One Belgium choco chip for me." Jennifer ordered.
Kyle ordered a random ice cream and they both were searching for a place to sit when a voice came from behind them.
"Kyle?" They both halted on their way.
"Just .my. luck." Jennifer said between her teeth.
Kyle turned around. "Heath , Duske? What are you guys doing here?"
"Well its an ice cream parlor." Duske stated
"I thought you were sick? You lied to me for a girl?" Heath asked raising his eyebrows.
"No what g.....girl? I am here alone." Kyle stuttered.
"the one who is refusing to even look at us."
Jennifer squeezed her eyes shut. Fuck my life.
She turned around on her heels and gave out a sarcastic smile. "Hello."
"Oh! the yesterday girl."
"Huh! the have-I-seen-you-before-guy."
Kyle coughed. "Heath, Duske this is my sister Jennifer."
"Jennifer this is Heath and Duske."
Jennifer's jaw dropped open. She glared at kyle. Giving him a why-did-you-tell-him-look.
Heath smirked. "I know who she is. I have enough pictures of her in my closet. Come sit with us."
Jennifer and kyle frowned
"Oh wait. it didnt come out right. I meant for research purpose." Heath made himself clear .
Jennifer sat opposite Heath.
"How did you know I was alive?" Jennifer asked him.
"I saw the pictures of your shot body. The bullet hole was below your heart while the report said it wounded your heart. Then there was not much investigation on your case. Your parents didnt even bother to try and know the truth and many little details like that."
Jennifer felt shocked. She didnt say a word and looked at Duske who had a multi scoop ice cream in his hand which included almost all flavors. Seeing the weird look on her face duske spoke up. "Heath chose this for me."
The answer made Jennifer feel even more weird .
"He chooses what u eat?"
"Sometimes." Heath replied.
Control freak.
"I didnt ask you."
"I felt like replying"
"Since you like to talk so much why dont you tell why have you been so interested in my case?."
"I like knowing everything thats going on around me."
"yup you are definitely a control freak."
"No I am not." They both glared at each other.
"so raimon has a match against royal right?" Kyle asked attempting to remove the awkwardness.
"Yes." Jennifer sighed. "Even ray dark is back. How can he be not dead?"
"You are one to say." Dusked said. Jennifer felt whatever Duske and Heath were saying were just words. No emotions. Their sentences were so monotonous that they almost seemed like robots. It creeped her out.
"I think I should get going." Jennifer stood up.
"wait I will drop u." Kyle said but Jennifer shook her head.
"You stay with your friends I will go home on my own."
"You came here with kyle so he will drop you." Heath interrupted.
"if he drops me or not is my decision."
" He. Will. Drop. You"
"You are proving my point. You are a control freak."
"Oh God! Stop fighting." kyle groaned.
Jennifer turned around and left mumbling "asshole".

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