i can do anything

800 31 6

*random morning alarm*
Jennifer stirred for a while before opening her eyes. Raimon. I am coming.
She sat up and pushed her blanket aside. Getting ready she pulled over a white oversize hoodie and black high waist denim shorts. Peaking into Allison's room she saw her fast asleep. She skipped downstairs and made breakfast for her little sister and wrote a small note sticking it on the door of the fridge.

The island team was practicing on raimon's field. Sonny passed the ball Adriano but he missed it.
"Sorry I will bring it back" Adriano ran to the side of the field and picked the ball but when he lifted his head his eyes fell on a hooded figure walking towards the field.  "Who's that?" He asked making everybody stop and look towards the said person. The hoodie was almost covering their eyes making it hard to make out their face.
The hooded girl walked to them. "Are you the backwater island team?" She asked in a deep voice.
"Yes we are." Sonny stepped forward. But who are you?"
The girl smirked."I heard you guys are cry babies. Crying at the inazuma tower like weaklings. Thats just horrible."
"Who are you to say that?" Adriano gritted his teeth.
"Ooohohohoho." Coach Yi's laugh rang in their ears. The team looked behind them to see him standing above the goalpost. "Stop messing with my players....Jennifer argent."
The team gasped loudly. "Did I hear it right? Did he say Jennifer argent?" Sandra asked.
"B...but she is dead." Aurelia stuttered.
"Who's this Jennifer argent?" Adriano asked them.
"she was one of the legendary raimon eleven. Also known as the flaming empress she was considered even better than Axel Blaze but sadly she was shot and died after one month of their victory on FFI under 15. The reasons remain unknown but surprisingly after her death all her information was wiped out from Internet. Even her pictures."
"Oooo" Adriano nodded.
"You are speaking a bit too highly of me." Jennifer spoke."I don't think I was ever considered better than Axel blaze and well I am not dead."
She removed her hood shaking her head so that her hair fell out of her hoodie like a sheet on her back. The smirk never left her face but this little stunt left the players and their manager pale and shocked.
"I...it really is you?" Aurelia whispered and started crying. "I can't believe my eyes. Its you."
Ahem okay? She is crying! Why??
Conscience*shrugs* -out of my understanding capacity.
"How are you back from dead?" Basile asked her.
"I am Jennifer argent. I can do anything. Now boys and girls. Line up." She commanded in an intimidating voice making the team gulp and stand stiff in a straight line. She stuffed her hands in her pocket and started pacing back and forth.
"I am here as a team ambassador for raimon."
"Does that mean you are joining the team?" Cesar asked excited.
"Yes but not as a player."
"Thheennn??" Kiko asked disappointed.
"I will be joining as a team manager."
"But why?" Adriano whined.
"Because I can." She glared at him and deadpanned. Adriano became scared and recomposed his straight stiff posture.
"Now tell me. Do you want to get chosen in football frontier?"
"That's impossible now that we have lost in our match." Maxime, the captain of the team sighed.
"No its not. In football frontier prelims teams fight with six randomly chosen teams in sixteen blocks. In the end top two teams in each block with the max wins get selected for the next stage. So you guys still have a chance."
"Oh yeah!"
"Wooohoo!" The team started cheering.
"But.....if you are going to work with me you will have to give up that weak attitude of crying after loosing. In my soccer if you win ,you win with pride and if you lose, you lose with dignity. Losing in soccer is not something that should make you sad. Its something that should fire you up for the next time. You get it?"
"Hai!" The team chorused with determination raging in their eyes.
"Ooohohohoho." Mister Yi laughed again. "Looks like you guys are up for some strict practice."
"Yes we can beat the rest teams if we work hard. I know that. We will win" sonny cheered along with the team.
Jennifer stopped a smile from appearing on her face. They are so much like the old raimon eleven
"You shouldn't be celebration this fast." She stated looking at their laughing faces.
"Yeah sorry." Sonny sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
"_there's a rule. You won't be telling about me to anyone."
"But why?"
"Do as I say."
The team started practicing. "Jennifer! why don't you join us?" Nino asked.
"I will observe for now."
"Okay sure."

I am back (inazuma eleven ares/orion x Oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon