japan finally

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Jennifer stretched her body and Allison did the same. "We are finally here." The little girl smiled.
"Are you excited?"
"Yes. I will get to meet everyone right? Axel and Shawn and Jude."
"Maybe. I will get to meet them too. After three long years. C'mon let's go home first. We have got an important match to watch tomorrow."
"Will we be staying with kyle?"
"Kyle stays in ares boys hostel baka."
"Oh yeah. So we will stay with Chris(Jennifer's adoptive father)and jacy(adoptive mother)?"
"No honey too much risk. We are staying in the villa by the canvas supermart."
"Oh okay."

The sisters headed to their villa. It was already dinner time so they ordered pizza and after eating went to bed. Jennifer was not able to sleep. She was going to watch raimon play tomorrow. The place where it all started.
Her door creaked open. "Sissy!"
"What happened Alli?"
"Can I sleep with you today?"
Jennifer smile gently at her little sister. "Come 'ere."
Allison climbed on her bed and snuggled beside her.
"You are going to watch your school tomorrow. You must be excited."
"Yes I am. Its been three years. I miss that place so much."
"I am sorry." Allison said sadly.
Jennifer frowned cupping a hand on her cheek.
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"Because of me you had to get away from your friends."
"Never say that again Allison. You are more important to me than anything. I can live in solitude for my whole life is it means you get to stay happy ."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"Allison. Love is always unconditional. There is never a why behind it."
Allison smiled and snuggled more into Jennifer.
"Good night mom."
Jennifer chuckled. "Goodnight Alli."
Whenever Allison felt like she needed the love of mother she would call Jennifer mom and hearing it Jennifer would get a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart.

Next morning Jennifer wore a light wash high waist jeans with a black crop top hoodie. Pulling the hood over her head she walked out towards the stadium along with Allison.
"Yes coach?"
"You are going to see their match?"
"Yes I am."
"I have sent a barcode on your mobile. It will provide you access to the VIP area."
"Okay. Thank u coach."
"Remember to keep your head low."
"Yes coach."

Jennifer went in the VIP area. Scanning the code at the gate she walked inside holding Allison's hand.
"Stay close to me."

She entered an area where almost all the seats were empty except on the far end she saw 3 boys. "Jennifer that one looks like kyle." Allison said tugging on to the hem of Jennifer's hoodie.
"Let's see if its him." Jennifer took out her  phone and dialed kyle.
On kyle's side.
"when are they going to start the match?" Kyle groaned.
"Have patience." Heath told him in a calm voice.
"Ya ya." Kyle rolled his eyes sipping on to his cold drink.
"Hey. Kyle here"
"Kyle. Its Jennifer."
"You changed your number?
"Why? Everything's okay right?"
"Yeah. Turn your head slightly to the left."
Kyle frowned and looked to his left. On the far end he saw two figures. One was a little girl and other was a tall person with their face covered by the hood of their hoodie. Kyle looked at them for a second and then spat his cold drink out. Heath and Duske shifted from their seat to prevent the spray of cold drink from ruining their outfit.
"What the fuck kyle!" Heath shouted.
"Uh sorry dude. I'll be back in a minute." Kyle stood up and walked briskly inside the building. Heath and Duske's gaze followed him until it fell on the two figures too. "Whose that?" Duske looked at heath.
"How am I supposed to know that? The match is about to start. Where did kyle go?"
"Maybe washroom."
"He always get those calls and gets nervous. What's the matter with him?"
Meanwhile kyle ran inside the building.
"Yeah. Why did you run inside?"
"I was with heath and duske idiot. I can't talk to you in front of them."
"Oh! So that's the heath Moore'? I can't see his face properly."
"yeah why don't you just go and say hello to him?" Kyle said sarcastically.
"Why not and I can also disclose that you have been spying on him."
"keep your smartass mouth shut and come inside.I haven't seen you since last year."
"I am coming." Jennifer got up. "Allison c'mon kyle wants to meet us."
"But the match is about to start." Allison whined.
"I can't leave you here alone."
"Ill be fine. Please let me watch. I can meet kyle after the match."
Jennifer sighed. "Okay fine but sit here. Don't move."
"Okay okay."
Jennifer got up and headed inside.
Out of the corner of his eyes heath glanced her way. Her face was not visible because of the distance and her hoodie. ' 'I haven't seen her before. Who's she?' Heath thought to himself.
On walking inside she spotted kyle near the washroom corridor .
She pulled her hood down and approached him.
"Hello brother."
"Jenny." Kyle grinned and hugged her."You dyed your hair black?you look different, almost unrecognizable."
"Yeah! I got my hair colored six months ago. I even let my bangs grow long this time. Its a nice makeover right?"
"Yup I don't think anyone will recognize you even without that hideous black hoodie.
"Oh shut up. Its just a precaution. I am not coming fully out till I am confirmed about that stalker friend of yours"
"He is not a spy from the organization jenny. He is just an orphan who looked up to you when you were playing for raimon. He just had a hunch that you were not dead and he investigated on you. He still keeps on nagging me with you know your sister is alive and you are hiding it."
"I am not starting another fight with you. All I know is that he has been insanely searching for me."
"We can talk about it later.Where's Alli?"
"She insisted on staying out. The match is about to start and its her first time watching a match in stadium." Jennifer made a sad face. "I don't get to take her out much. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing it right."
Kyle caressed her hair. "You were just 13 when you had to run away with that kid. If you ask me. You are doing it perfectly. Allison couldn't have had a better sister."
"Thanks. I think I should go back. Can't leave her alone for long."
"Yeah. I am going back too. You stay safe okay?"
"I will. bye." Jennifer tip toed kissed kyle's cheek and walked out.

The match had started.  Raimon scored the first goal. Allison jumped on her seat cheering.
"Those backwater island guys are pretty good." Jennifer smirked looking intensely at the match."yet another person who can do fire tornado."
If this is polestar team then where is Jude?
But the first goal was the only goal raimon was able to score. Suddenly the polestar guys became fierce. Especially their forward. Eliot ember eh?
The match ended with a score 1-10. Raimon was crushed. The team players returned to the bench. Raimon had caught Jennifer's eyes. Though they didn't win Jennifer saw the determination and desperation in their eyes. The don't give up attitude. It was like seeing mark's match against royals all over again. She got up from her seat.
"Raimon lost." Allison pouted.
"Did they?" Jennifer smiled and held Allison's hand and lifted her phone to her ears.
"Hello. Am I speaking to Mr.Lund?
"Yes ma'am its me."
"Oh Niall don't call me ma'am. Jennifer is just fine."
The guy on the other side of the call laughed." You still sound the same. It was really a shock for me when Mr.Argent told me you are still alive. I am still trying to think of a theory why you faked your death in the first place."
"its a long story. So say did you watch raimon's match?"
"Yes of course I did and I am impressed I must say."
"So about the sponsorship?"
"Their match reminded me of the old raimon eleven and the fact that you are going to be with them makes me more convinced to be their sponsorer."
"You do know I won't be playing with them right?"
"Yes yes I know. That's okay. Those kids have talent. They are heading to the inazuma tower I guess so I will go there and talk to them."
"Great. Thanks again niall."
"Its my pleasure ma'am"
*beep* *beep*

"C'Mon Alli. I am leaving you home and I have to go somewhere then."
"I don't want to stay in that big villa alone."
"I'll be back before you even know it honey."
"Okay!" Allison sighed.

After leaving Allison at the villa Jennifer walked to the noodle shop. She slided the door open.
"Jennifer! Is it you?"
"Yes coach."
"Come sit. I will make your favorite noodles."
"Thank u."
"You have grown so old. You look taller and different."
Jennifer laughed." Yeah its my hair. Totally changed my face didn't it? Oh gosh I missed this place." She slided on to one of the booth chairs.
"Have you met your friends yet?"
"No I will meet them during their matches. Oh by the way! I got raimon a sponsorer."
"That's good. Those kids have lots of potential."
"Yeah. A good coach can lead them to the top."
"You think that?"
"I know that. Who's their coach anyway?"
"His name is Mr. Yi. He is Chinese."
"Can we trust him?"
"More than you can trust me. He is one of us. He wants the orion foundation down as much as we do so you can relax. When are you going to meet the team. I will inform Mr. Yi about you."
"Tomorrow morning. Tell me more about this coach."
"From where should I start........."

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