Chapter Eight || original

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Chapter eight

Madie's pov.

"Hey Mad's," Sirius said sliding onto the seat next to me so his leg was right up against mine. I looked up from the essay I was writing with a raised eye. Due to a terrible case of insomnia and my love for writing essay's in the quietness of the night, I hadn't thought anyone else was awake.

"What's up Black?" I asked turning my attention back to my essay.

"Can you help with my potions?" He pushed a sheet overtop my essay and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I really can't," I said pushing his paper off. It slipped onto the floor and he bent to retrieve it.

"Come on Lupin, It'll only take a second," he said pushing it back over unto my lap. "I'm just having trouble understanding how to make this potion."

I nearly growled but looked at the paper studying the different ingredients. His leg bounced up and down next to me and I did growl, slapping my hand down on his knee. "Stop. Now."

"Right sorry. It's late," he answered let out a shaky laugh. I didn't respond and soon his leg was back to shaking again and I was shooting him an overly annoyed look.

"Look, it's easy enough," I said with a small sigh tucking the hair that had fallen out of my bun behind my ear. "You just crush the wolfsbane and throw it in the cauldron add some porcupine quills and stir and are you seriously having trouble with this? It's a second year potion."

I turned my body so I was facing him.

"Of course I'm having trouble," he said staring into the fire.

I slammed the paper at him before standing up. "Well ask someone else Black. I have an essay to write."

I stomped out of the portrait hole and into the nearest secret passage.


"Hey Madie," Sirius said sliding into the seat next to me and stealing my bacon. I shot him an annoyed glare. I was half asleep and needed my bacon.

"What Black," I said letting my head fall onto the table next to my plate. Emma still wasn't down from the dorm and Kathleen and Lisa had already left. I was mostly alone without the nagging of my friends about my sleep patterns.

"You really should get more sleep," he said nudging my head. I turned so I was facing him and my cheek was on the table. "But anyway, that's not why I came over here. I need help with muggle studies and some other classes. I know you're a year younger than me, but you're smart."

I blinked at him, lifting my head a little bit to see him better. "Are you messing with me Sirius Black?"


I let my head drop back down.

"Plus I need to review on past for the OWL's," he said.

"Okay well why don't you ask Remus? He's smarter," I muttered turning my head so it was more into the crook of the table and facing down.

"He's got his own revisions to do and he's also helping Peter and James along with his regular tutoring. I don't want to bombard him."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Look, just think of it as me and you helping each other out with revisions and school work and stuff. And if we happen to snog afterwards, then that's totally okay with me," he said shrugging and I shot him a dirty look. He smirked and let out a low chuckle. "I'm joking about that last part. Just the study sessions."

I sighed and banged my head on the table. "How 'bout we just have giant study sessions between my friends and the Marauders. Merlin knows we could all use the help."

"Er, okay. I guess."

I banged my head on the table again.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

I blinked, slightly surprised. "Oh. I thought you had left."

"I can leave if you want me to."

I sighed and lifted my head, winching in slight pain. "Nah, I got to get going anyway. See ya."

I grabbed my stuff and left, heading for my first class. Somewhere along the way I found Minnie and we both headed for Transfiguration. There were several other students there already, including Lisa and Kathleen who were practicing this week's lesson. We nabbed a seat by them and I put my bag on the one right next to me, ultimately saving it for Emma.

Emma never showed up.

She never showed up for any of our classes.

During my free period, which was right before lunch, I went in search of her. She wasn't in our room, which was the first placed I checked, nor the library, which I knew she probably wouldn't be in, nor the Great Hall.

I had just given up and was heading to class, when I looked out and saw her. Or at least what looked like her. She was down by the lake and I raced down there as fast as I could, accidently running into the person when I did reach them. Thank Merlin it was Emma.

I was out of breath and my robe was falling off me.

"Bloody hell Emma," I said when I could once again talk and was not gasping like a fish out of water. "What are you doing out here? I've been looking all over for you. You missed all your classes. Is something wrong?"

She shrugged. "Nope. I'm all good."

"Cool. Well then we should be going. Don't want to be late."

She shrugged and made a face, but stood up and followed me.

"Remus has a girlfriend," she said suddenly, when we were almost to the castle. I gave her a look.

"Okay so? Am I supposed to care whether he dates anyone or not?"

She shrugged. "I guess not. I just thought you might like to be informed. In case, you know, you hadn't heard any of the gossip or recent rumors lately.

My face scrunched together. "Actually, surprisingly I haven't."

"Ah, well apparently he's dating either a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff; I've heard both so who really knows. The only constant thing I've heard is that they're in the same year," she said and then, as if an afterthought, added, "and also that you and Sirius Black have been seen recently getting cozy by the fire late at night."

I snorted. "Well that one's definitely not true. I mean he did ask me for help on some schoolwork, but that lasted like ten minutes and mostly consisted of me glaring at him."

"Oh, you so sure about that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Of course I am."






12-28/29-2014 I refuse to believe it has been almost a year since I last updated this story. I refuse it and nobody can convince me otherwise. ANYWAY, I was watching Doctor Who, but you know it screwed up and while I was waiting for it to be awesome again and work I went and wrote this. And now my laptop is almost dead. And I don't want to find the charger and plug it in. So I might not get around to watching Doctor Who:( On the bright side I have a Hot Topic giftcard and some money I'm planning on also spending there. I want more socks and this shirt and uh oh, my laptop has ten percent. Ugh. I don't want to turn the light on though. Right now would be a great time to have Christmas lights in my room lol. 

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.


2015 is so close I can already taste the celebrity embarrassment, bad acting, and weird people doing weird things.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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