Chapter Six || original

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8-12-13: Is something wrong with wattpad? Eh probably not. I'm probably just imagining it. So I have Doctor Who socks *Squeals like a fangirl* Yes be jealous...very jealous! Haha I also have a cat. How's that make you feel?

Chapter six

Madie's pov.

I guess we should have expected the prank waiting for us at the feast, but still it surprised us. We found out later that the twins had asked the Marauders for help on this one. The next morning I was woken up by Minnie, who threw a pillow on me.

"Wake up you lazy butts," she sang and received three pillows thrown at her which she easily dodged. I buried my head in my pillow as she tugged my sheets off me, "come on guys, it's time to get up!"

"How are you so awake?" Lisa moaned from her bed.

"What can I say? I'm a morning person. Plus I didn't stay up till three in the morning."

I grinned when I thought back to last night. We had stayed up till almost three am after the feast trying to undo the prank and talking about, well, various girl things. Minnie had been the first to fall asleep at quarter after two and we, in turn, had figured out how to turn her naturally brown hair bright orange. I peeked out of my pillow only to see her hair was back to normal. Letting out a groan I slammed my head back into my pillow. Somehow I was able to fall back into my dream. That was until somebody jumped on me shouting, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Your going to be late unless you get your lazy arse out of bed!" When I opened my eyes I saw Emma grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Emma," I whined pulling the covers over my face only to have them yanked back off me.

"Out of bed now," she demanded pulling my sheets off me, "We have Transfigurations first so you better get your tiny little arse out of bed this instant!"

"My arse isn't tiny," I mumbled into my pillow.

"Madie!" Emma let out a strangled cry.

Less the ten minutes later and Emma had successfully gotten me out of bed and dressed me. Well I dressed myself, she just through the clothes at me. My tie was crooked and my hair was a rat's nest piled atop my head. Being down to my waist it was hard to style and took more time then we had to brush out the knots, so up it went. We were one of the last few sitting in the Great Hall as I picked at some pears and other mysterious fruits that I hadn't bothered trying.

"You feeling okay Mads?"

"Just dandy," I muttered pushing my plate away and standing up, "I'm done, you ready?"

Emma nodded and we headed off to our first class.


I stared up at the moon. The rest of my roommates were already asleep, but I stayed up in the common room. Hearing a howl and a whine in the distant I cringed.

"Couldn't sleep either?" My head snapped to see Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew sat sprawled across the room.

"Yeah," I said nodding. I knew they wouldn't make fun of me, not when the felt almost the same way. "I just wish there was some way to help him you know? He's stuck in that cramped little house alone, probably bored out of his mind."

I barely registered James and Sirius exchanging glances before James cleared his throat and spoke up. "Well we have been working on something."

I raised an eyebrow in question and gestured for him to go on.

"You're brother doesn't want use doing this so you can't tell him but come here." He waves his hand and hesitantly I creep forward.

The lean there heads towards mine and tell me there little plan.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," I said when they had finished.

"Why not?" James looked offended.

"Well for one which one of you is smart enough? I bet none of you can do it. I bet Remus can't even do it," I said rolling my eyes.

"For your inf-" Sirius covered his mouth but he still continued to try and talk.

"Are you in or not?"

"Um." If I went along with it they'd find out my own secret. Slowly I began shaking my head left and right, side to side. "No, I'm not in. You guys go ahead and knock yourselves out. But please do not come to me when your plan doesn't work. And definitely don't come crying."

They shrugged. "Can do. See you!"

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