09 || rewritten

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James and Peter were to meet their parents at the train station on September first and Emma's parents would be there dropping off her younger sister. The only one who didn't have any family members to say goodbye to that day was Sirius.

At first he sat on a bench close to where the Lupin's were saying goodbye, but his eyes kept wandering over to Madie, watching as she bounced on her toes and glanced back at the train several times. Once, she caught him staring and he slumped down in his seat. It was then that he pushed himself off the bench and began to wander around the station a bit.

Which was a bad idea.

At least if he had stayed on the bench he wouldn't have gotten shoved by two younger kids and tripped around the corner to find his own parents talking to Regulus. There weren't many people between them, so he knew his mum saw him when her eyes wandered past Regulus and Sirius tensed up; however, If it weren't for her nose wrinkling up, he would've assumed she hadn't seen him.

"There you are mate!" James was suddenly pouncing on him, his arms wrapping around Sirius' neck in a small hug. "Mum wants to say bye."

Sirius turned around, shaking James off and trying to push his family from his mind. They weren't his family anymore. He followed James to where his parents stood near the train.

"There's my other son!" Mrs. Potter said, her grin stretching all the way to her eyes. Sirius could already feel himself relaxing. "Fleamont, get the camera out."

"Really mum?" James said, pretending to be experated, but he was already smiling and pulling Sirius closer.

By the time they were clambering into a compartment, Sirius had not only forgotten about his family, but also about Madie Lupin. Or at least until she tripped into the compartment, slumping into the seat between him and James.

"Where's Emma?" Remus asked, looking up from the bag he had been searching through. She sunk into the seat, crossing her arms over her chest and Sirius tried to subtly shift away.

"Still saying goodbye to her parents, I think," she mumbled, sticking out her bottom lip. "Or snogging her secret boyfriend. I don't know."

No one was expecting the second half of her answer and Remus almost dropped his bag, while James almost messed up shuffling the exploding snap cards.

"She has a secret boyfriend?" Peter asked and Madie shrugged, stretching her legs out so they were wedged between Peter and Remus.

"I never understood why you guys put your feet up like this, but now I understand better. It's not as uncomfortable as it usually is."

"That's because you're now as tall as a normal person," Remus said, tapping her ankle several times. She stuck her tongue out at him and the compartment door opened, revealing Emma.

"Hey," She said with a grin, before turning to her younger sister, who was just out of the five's sight. "Go find your friends, Andy. No you can't – move out of his way!"

She gave the small girl a push and waited till she was gone before opening up the compartment door all the way and revealing Regulus and Ian Bones standing with her.

"Oh thank Godric's balls," Madie said, standing up quickly and grabbing the two boys into a hug. She barely had to stand on her tiptoes anymore to do so. "I thought I was going to be stuck with crazy and the twat waffles back there."

She grinned as the Marauders all reacted. Remus' mouth fell open, racking his brain for a better insult, Peter's face turned red, Sirius shrugged, his eyes focused on Regulus, and James spluttered, his mouth working faster than his brain.

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