Chapter Four || original

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7-1-13: Camp NaNoWriMo has officially begun!!!! *Squeal!* Hahaha Jk but I cannot wait to start my story>:D I'm trying my hand at fantasy so let's all cross our fingers. Also I've started a new avatar story! Vote if you want it posted hahaha.

So Anyway I don't own hp and sorry for the short chapter.


Chapter Four

Siruis's pov.

            I watched my brother and Remus's sister leave before turning to Remus.

            "What is your sister doing with him?" I demanded. Ever since I had been put in Gryffindor my parents, especially my mum, had made him out to seem like the poster child. They had always liked him the best, me being the rebel who believed quite the opposite of most of my family. So therefore I was not very fond of him.

            "I don't know," Remus said, "why do you want to know?"

            "You know why! He'll probably most definitely be a Slytherin and you're not even the slightest bit worried for your sister?"

            He shrugged. "She can take care of herself. "

            "How do know?"

            "Why are so worried, Siruis?" James asked from his spot near the window as he stared lazily out. I grumbled about something but dropped the subject.

            Soon we had arrived at the Hogsmead station and made our way to the carriages. We boarded one and it took off without anything pulling them.

            "Okay so I was thinking we should have some sort of initiation or prank of some sort to pull on the first years," James said once we were sitting in the great hall and Professor McGonagall was leading the first years inside.

            "Yes but what should we do is the question?" I answered cackling evilly. We shared a quick look and he nodded.

            "Oh no you guys are not using plan A-"

            "We weren't gonna use plan A!"

            "-or plan B-"

            "We weren't gonna use plan B either!"

            "-and most definitely not plan H!"

            "Isn't plan H killing Snape?" James said thoughtfully.

            "We could kill Snape."

            "Or trick the first years into killing Snape."

            "You two are not killing Snape!" Remus said.

            "But it would uncomplicate the rest of our lives," I argued, "we can just kill him! Nobody would even notice!"

            "I've been here for five seconds and already I know you're gonna go to prison one day," A voice said dryly and I looked to my left to see Remus little sister.

            "Did we miss you being sorted?" Remus asked his eyebrows furrowing.

            She nodded. "Yep. There in the O's now."

            I looked over to see that I was indeed correct and my dearest brother had gotten Slytherin.

            "Well welcome to Gryffindor," Remus and I said at the same time and she gave us a hard stare.

            "I'm going to sit with Lily," she said before getting up and moving down the table to sit by Lily Evans and a bunch of other Gryffindor girls.

            "Wait! How does she know Lily?!" James said banging his fist down on the table.

            "Whoa calm down James," I said, "no need to get you panties in a twist."

            "I was not getting my panties in a twist! I do not even wear panties! I wear underwear! Men underwear!" James muttered to himself and I shook my head slowly.

            "Poor boy doesn't even know his gender."

            "I am a male!"

            "Yeah and I'm a dog," I said.

            "Technically you are. I mean remember what Remus's sister said about your name when we were at their house?" James said.

            "Well I-she-he- that doesn't count!"

            "Yes it does."

            "No it doesn't."

            "Yes it does!"

            "No it doesn't!"


            "Shut up both of you!" Remus said loudly and we looked at him.

            "He started it!" Both of us said at the same time, pointing a finger at each other.

            "Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with you," Remus sighed.

            "Because we're awesome!"

Madie's pov.

            "Hey Lily," I said, sitting down next to her. She turned to me with a large smile.

            "Hey Madie! Congratulations on making it into Gryffindor!" She said and I smiled back as I piled some of the food onto my plate.


            "Here I'll introduce you to some people. This is Mary, Rose, and Holly. Guys this is Madie."

            "Hey," I said smiling at them. We all dug in into the food that had magically appeared.

            Later that night after all the first years had followed the prefects around the castle and they had showed us to our common room and the first years bedroom I feel down, exhausted. I shared a room with four other girls, Emma, Minnie, Lisa, and Kathleen. They all seem pretty nice, but then again I'm only half awake during our small exchange. We all go right to bed except two girls who stay up talking and giggling about who knows what.

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