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It wasn't long after school had started, that Madie suddenly found her insomnia worsening. Most nights she could ignore it, tossing and turning in her bed until the wee hours of the morning, but in early October she found herself sneaking down to the common room after her roommates had turned in for the night, only to stop in surprise at the three Marauders still sprawled out in the common room. With only one night until the full moon, they tended to turn in early in an attempt to prepare for their long night.

James and Peter looked okay, talking with Dorcas, Marlene, and Emmeline, but the upcoming change was already draining the energy from Remus and he was nodding off with an open book slipping off his lap.

"What're you guys still doing up?" Madie asked, snagging Remus' book before it could fall and placing it on the coffee table. She slouched onto the couch between Emmeline and Dorcas and looked around. "Shouldn't you be getting a good night's sleep?"

"We could ask you the same thing," Remus muttered, his face scrunching up as he tried not to yawn and he pulled his legs up onto the chair. She rolled her eyes at his sad attempt at changing the subject and turned expectantly to the other two boys who shared a look before turning away from her with mumbled, "he's right, you know."

"Where's Sirius?" It dawned on her what else was wrong as she looked around. None of the boys seemed to want to answer that question either and Emmeline shifted nervously next to her.

Thankfully, Marlene had no qualms about letting her know the answer to either of her questions.

"Sirius is shagging a slag up there right now," she said, shrugging. "He locked them out."

"What?" Madie's mouth practically fell open, as she alternated her gaze between the three boys. James and Peter avoided her gaze, while Remus still hadn't opened his eyes but hummed in response. "For Godric's sake, you're fucking kidding me, right?"

"Nope," Dorcas said from next to Madie.

"Is he joking right now?" Madie stood up quickly. "He choses tonight, of all nights, to finally get laid? How selfish is he. Does he not release that to – how early in the school year it is?"

"Where are you going?" James asked and Remus opened his eyes to warily watch his sister head to the stairs that lead up to the boys rooms.

"I'm going to straighten him out," Madie muttered, pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she climbed the stairs.

"Oh this is gonna be good," Marlene said, her voice full of glee. She looked about ready to clap her hands.

"He had no right to do this so close to the fucking full moon." Madie had almost reached their door, slamming her fist on it as soon as she was in reach. She heard frantic whispering as she raised her other hand and slammed against the door with both fist. "You better open up Black! Open the bloody door!"

She continued to knock on it up until the door was pulled open by a smirking Sirius and he had to dodge her fists.

"Can I help you Lupin?" He drawled, leaning against the open door in only his boxers and Madie gave him a look of disgust. He took the time to discreetly look her up and down, taking in the pajama shorts that showed off her still tan legs and her hair pulled away from her face. "I was kinda busy here."

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" She asked, pointing a finger at him. She didn't wait for him to answer, but dropped her voice slightly when she noticed movement coming from his bed. "It's the full moon. And I know your a complete dickwad, but I didn't think you were this selfish when it came to your friends."

As she spoke, he smirk was slowly changing to a look of uneasy and he straightened up slightly.

"You know very well none of you are going to sleep tomorrow night and you also know how much it drowns him beforehand," she said, glaring at him. "If you're that horny you can't possibly wait, then put a silencing charm around your bed or something."

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