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"Remus," Sirius said as Remus lowered his wand, his gaze still on Sirius. Walking over to him, Remus grabbed his hand and pulled him off the floor so he could embrace Sirius like he'd wished he could do so many times in those long twelve years.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Hermione screamed from across the small room, but the two ignored her, as memories they had refused to let surface entered their minds.

"Looking a bit ragged, aren't we, Sirius," Remus said, the beginnings of a small grin begging to spread across his face. "Finally the skin reflects the madness within."

"You'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" He pulled Remus back in for another hug. "Speaking of which, how's that crazy sister of yours?"

Remus couldn't help the chuckle that passed through his lips. Even in the middle of everything that was going on, Sirius had to go and get sidetracked.

"Bored, I'd assume. What with the twins, and now me, gone for the year." He was turning away from Sirius, towards Hermione, who had managed to push herself off the floor and was pointing at Remus. "But just as crazy."

Sirius was grinning, and it seemed to take him a moment to properly digest what his friend had said, while Remus himself seemed to realize what he had said and was turning back around with a frown, his stomach twisting. 

"Wait, twins?"

Okay, maybe that's too far ahead for me. I wanted to tell my story, and my story certainly doesn't start here. This is more like where the sequel starts. Who am I? Well, you know how there's always that one person in a group who always seems to get overlooked in later stories? Yeah, that's me, Madie Lupin, and I'm here to tell my story.

Let's take it back to where this story actually begins: on the day when my brother would meet the three gits who would later become his best friends and like a second family to all of us. On the day when he would first board the Hogwarts Express and I would first dream about stepping on the gleaming red train.

Every great story has to start at a chapter one after all.

March 10, 2019

wOw. I wasn't going to put this up for like months, but then I found out it's Remus Lupin's birthday and it just felt like a sign to post this today, having a birthday post pop up in my instagram feed. It's not much, but stop by next Sunday for chapter one. And the Sunday after that for chapter two. And the Sunday after that for chapter three. And, well you get my point, now don't you?

Anyway, what do you think? I combined the movie and book scenes with my own stuff here, so hopefully it all blended well? I dunno, I'm still not sure about this chapter, because the timing doesn't work out with some stuff in this prologue thing that happens later on in the story, so I might have to change it at a later date. But already so far, I'm like this version of the story better than the old one. Plus, I've already got seven chapters written out and ready, which is great (even if they are a bunch of introductory chapters, but we've got to build up to everything that happens in her fifth year some how, now don't we?) 

Cool, well bye, I guess. Remember to let me know your thoughts. And have a nice day.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Remus Lupin (and everyone else who has a birthday today!!!)

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