Chapter Three || original

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3-24-13:So I'm gonna attempt to not publish this till tomorrow, but who knows. Anyway GUESS WHOSE ONE OF HER FAVORITE SONGS TURNED OUT TO BE A 1970s SONG AND SHE NEVER EVEN KNEW IT!! YES THIS CHICA!!! So go Enjoy Don Mcleans American Pie from 1972 babey!!!

haha I wrote this instead of my La paperXD god I need to sort out my prorities. But anyway please enjoy and all that junk and go see guys and dolls sometime.

3-25-13:SNOW DAY!!! Haha maybe I'll get some writing done. Probes not though!! My brother just questioned our snow day-_-

Chapter Three

Our Diagon Alley trip went by in a flash along with the rest of our days of summer and soon enough our parents were taking Remus and I to Kings Cross Station.

"Now stay close Madie," my father told me as I pushed the cart holding all my things including a fluffy brown cat who wouldn't stop screeching. We reached platform 9 and 10 and my father gave me a look before the two of us headed through the barrier and onto platform 9 and 3/4. Even the second time seeing the gleaming scarlet train was amazing. Parents everywhere were saying goodbye to there children.

I didn't have much time to look around though, as my dad pulled me out of the way so my mum and brother could come through.

"Bye mum, bye dad," Remus said giving each a quick hug as he attempted to look over everyone's head. Before he could get away to go find his friends, mum grabbed his arm.

"Not so fast Remus," my mother said sternly, "I want you to be good and not do anything stupid," she gave him a look here and I knew she was talking about his monthly problem, "and take care of your sister. Be nice to her okay?"

I rolled my eyes at him behind her back as he pretended not to see me and nodded. "Okay mum. Can I go now?"

"No, I want you to wait for Madie."

He let a small groan, but shut up when our mum gave him a look. She turned to me.

"And you Madie, be good, do NOT talk back to the teachers, but respect them, get your nose out a book every once in awhile and make friends, do not bother your brother all the time, do NOT follow him," insert look, "don't do anything stupid, and do good in school, do you hear me?"

"Yes mum, I understand," I said rocking back on my heels and looking eagerly over her shoulder at the lustrous Hogwarts Express.

"I love you sweetie," she said smiling down at me, "have fun."

"I love you too." I gave her and my dad a hug before grabbing my things and following Remus through the thick crowd of parents and the occasional student, but most of them were already on the train. I climbed on right behind Remus and we both found a window to wave out of, but as soon as the train was out of the station, Remus turned to me with a frown.

"I'm going to find my friends. See you later."

"Have fun!" I said with a smile as I started walking the opposite direction.

It didn't take me very long to find an empty compartment and settle in. I made sure I was seated right next to the window and spent a few minutes watching the vast cow farms roll by before digging out my book and opening it up to were I had marked it. Hopefully nobody would interrupt me before I was done, unfortunately someone did.

I heard the door slid open and inwardly groaned. I didn't stop reading even when one person came to stand directly in front of me while the other sat practically on top of me.

"Your Remus sister, right?" the one in front of me asked and I looked up to see the tall boy with glasses from the summer.


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