04 || rewritten

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Wow, I've been pursuing through the comments (instead of like idk writing pshhh) and so many of you guys wanted Madie to get into Slytherin. A few of you wanted Gryffindor, some Hufflepuff, but no Ravenclaws???? Anyway! Comment here, which house you wished Madie got into!!!

Sirius watched as Remus slid the compartment door closed, his mouth pulled down in a frown.

"Your sister and my brother are hanging out," Sirius said, his voice low. Remus shrugged as he sat back down, hoping if he didn't say anything Sirius would drop the subject.

"Calm down mate," James said, tossing a Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean at him. Sirius batted it away, his eyes still on the closed door. "It's not like they're getting hitched or anything. Although that would make you two brothers."

James gestured between the two boys and Remus batted his hand away.

"They haven't even been sorted yet," Remus said slowly. He snapped his fingers once and Sirius slowly turned his gaze away from the door. "Once they've been sorted, they'll make friends in their own houses and won't hang out anymore. You know how it goes."

"Right." Sirius grinned, leaning back and wedging his feet between Remus and James. The two boys made a face at him and pushed at his feet. "I mean, not that it matters or anything."

"Lily and Severus stayed friends," Peter, who had been quiet as he worked his way through a Cauldron Cake, said spewing crumbs. Remus groaned and wiped the crumbs away from him as both James and Sirius sat up straight.

"I don't know why she's still friends with that git," James said, crossing his arms over his chest as Sirius's eyes darted to the door again. "It's very unGryffindor like."

Peter shrugged, his attention already turning to the Cauldron Cake that Sirius had seemingly forgotten about.

When Madie returned to put her clothes away she only had Emma with her, the short girl standing on her tiptoes to peer eagerly into the compartment.

"What's up with your face?" Sirius asked. He had been lazily staring out the window, but had turned slightly when the door had opened and had almost immediately noticed the way her face was screwed up as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Nothing," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "What's up with your face? Dog get to it or something?"

She didn't hear his grumbled response as he turned back to the window with a frown and she turned to leave.

"Remmy," she said, quickly whirling back around and almost knocking her poor brother off balance. She hesitated for a second, chewing on her lip and glancing back at Emma, who suddenly seemed just as nervous. "We don't, um, we don't have to actually fight anything during the sorting ceremony, do we?"

At her question, Sirius and James turned around, a wicked smile gracing both their lips.

"Oh you have to fight something," Sirius said, before Remus could answer her.

"What it is, we can't tell you," James said, leaning around Remus so he could properly see her.

"But we can tell you that if you lose –"

"Or get maimed –"

"You won't be allowed to go to Hogwarts."

"What happens to you?" Emma said, her fingers already picking at a patch of skin next to a fingernail.

"I suppose they send you home." Sirius shrugged.

"All we really know, is those who don't make it are never seen or heard from again."

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