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The Tale of Zuko

At the tea house Soana is waiting tables on her half of the shop. She was coming back to the kitchen to drop off a few dirty cups and tea pots when she heard Zuko talking to Iroh.

"I said don't look!"

"What're we not looking at?" Soana questioned.

Iroh chuckled as Zuko glared at her with red cheeks.

Iroh looked to Soana and chuckled.
"Looks to me that girl over there has quite a real crush on my nephew."

Soana raised her brows in shock.

"What!" Zuko exclaimed.

"Thanks for the tea." A young woman at the counter said.

Zuko quickly turned around to grab the money from her but turned his back towards her as Iroh and Soana continued to chuckle amongst themselves.

Soana laughed once more before heading back to the kitchen and dropping the tea cups and pots into a wash bin.
"She's very pretty."

"My names Lee. My uncle and I just moved here."
She heard Zuko.

"My names Lee." Soana mocked with Sueh looking at her with arched brows.

"Don't be so jealous." Sueh said, practicing her tea brewing the way Iroh taught her.

"Me? Jealous?" Soana laughed.
"Why would I be jealous?"

"Hi, Lee. My names Jin. Thank you and, well," Jim stammered.

Soana couldn't contain her laughter when she heard the entire conversation play out.

"I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?"

Soana snorted in the midst of her laughter, making Zuko turn bashful and hesitant.

"He would love to!" Iroh answered for him.

"Great! I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown."

Soana covered her red face and turned out of the kitchen where an irritated Zuko stood glaring at her as Iroh went into the kitchen to see how Sueh was doing with the new brew.

"Stop laughing at me!" He demanded.

That only made the situation hysterical for Soana as she started laughing more.

She walked away, causing Zuko to frown but inside he was glad that she was laughing in front of him again.

"Soana!" She heard a familiar voice say as she was gathering more cups under the counter.

She looked up and saw Gato walking towards her.
"Hey, Gato!" She grinned.
"How's Ula doing?"

She started pouring him a cup of tea as he stood in front of her at the counter.

Zuko watched intently as the two looked a bit too comfortable for his liking.

"Still stubborn." He chuckled.
"She's getting fat from how much I've been feeding her."

A Princess' Destiny ✘ZUKO ✘Where stories live. Discover now